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Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Acronyms
List of Symbols
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1: Motivation
1.2: Challenges and Approach
1.3: Structure of the Book
Chapter 2: Medium Access Control and Physical Layers in WSNs
2.1: Protocol Stack for WSNs
2.2: Other Protocol Stacks for WSNs
2.3: Evolution of the IEEE 802 Standards
2.4: IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee
2.5: IEEE 802.15.4 Physical Layer
2.5.1: IEEE 802.15.4 Device Types and Roles

2.5.2: IEEE 802.15.4 Network Topologies
2.5.3: IEEE 802.15.4 PHY Specifications
2.5.4: IEEE 802.15.4 PHY Packet Structure
2.6: IEEE 802.15.4 MAC Sub-layer
2.6.1: IEEE 802.15.4 Beacon-Enabled
Star topology
2.6.2: IEEE 802.15.4 Non-Beacon-Enabled
Star topology
2.6.3: SuperFrame Structure
2.6.4: IEEE 802.15.4 MAC frames and CSMA/CA mechanism
2.7: Taxonomy for Medium Access Control Protocols
2.7.1: Survey on Unscheduled MAC protocols
2.7.2: Survey on Scheduled MAC protocols
2.7.3: Survey on Hybrid MAC protocols
2.7.4: Survey on QoS MAC protocols: EQ-MAC

2.7.5: Survey on Cross-Layer MAC protocols: MERLIN
2.7.6: Survey on Multiple based MAC protocols: 1-hop MAC
2.8: Classification of MAC Protocols Characteristics
2.9: Summary and Conclusions
Chapter 3: Further Insights into the IEEE 802.15.4 Standard
3.1: Physical Layer
3.1.1: Channel Assignment
3.1.2: Carrier Sense
3.1.3: Received Signal Strength Indication
3.1.4: Clear Channel Assessment
3.2: Medium Access Control Sub-layer
3.2.1: MAC frames
3.2.2: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance
3.2.3: Non-beacon-enabled operation

3.2.4: Beacon-enabled operation
3.2.5: Hidden and Exposed terminal problems
3.2.6: Coexistence in the 2.4 GHz ISM band
Chapter 4: Scheduled Channel Polling MAC Protocol
4.1: Context and Motivation
4.2: Two-Phase Scheduled Channel Polling Mechanism
4.3: Synchronization Phase
4.4: State Transition Diagram for SCP
4.5: Implementation of the SCP Simulation Framework
4.5.1: SCP Simulator Parameters and General Definitions
4.5.2: SCP Simulator Layer Modes
4.6: Summary and Conclusions
Chapter 5: Performance Evaluation of the SCP-MAC Protocol

5.1: Single-hop Performance Results
5.1.1: Power Consumption without Piggyback and Periodic Traffic
5.1.2: Power Consumption with Piggyback and Periodic Traffic
5.1.3: Throughput Performance with Heavy Traffic Load
5.2: Multi-hop Energy Efficiency
Linear Chain Scenario
5.3: Lifetime Analysis with piggyback (Periodic Traffic)
5.4: Performance Analysis of a Two-Phase Contention Scheme
5.4.1: Motivation for Using Two Contention Windows
5.4.2: Overview for the Saturated Regime
5.4.3: Overview for the Unsaturated Regime

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