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Part I. The Harmonization Achieved under the Insurance Distribution Directive: Insurance Distribution Directive and Cross-Border Activities by Insurance Intermediaries in the EU by Isabelle Audigier
Information Duties Stemming from the Insurance Distribution Directive as an Example of Faulty Application of the Principle of Proportionality by Marta Ostrowska
The Contribution of Product Oversight and Governance (POG) to the Single Market: A Set of Organizational Rules for Business Conduct by Pierpaolo Marano
The IDD and its Impact on the Life Insurance Industry by Kyriaki Noussia
Insurance-Based Investment Products: Regulatory Responses and Policy Issues by Michele Siri
Part II. The Insurance Distribution Directive as a "Benchmark" for National Legislators: The Notion of "Employee" in the IDD: A Harmonized Interpretation Based on the EU Law by Anna Tarasiuk and Bartosz Wojno
Ensuring the Customer's Best Interest in the Polish Insurance Market by Wojciech Paś
Insurance Distribution Carried Out by Insurers in Spain by Javier Vercher-Moll
Enaction of Chapter VII of the Insurance Distribution Directive
What Can Member States Learn from the Enforcement Failures of the United States? by Kathleen M. Defever
What Can the Insurance Distribution Directive "Offer" the South African Microinsurance Model? by Samantha Huneberg
Part III. The Interplay between the Insurance Distribution Directive and other Regulations/Sciences: The Interplay between the GDPR and the IDD by Viktoria Chatzara
Regulating Telematics Insurance. Role for the IDD to Complement the GDPR on Improving Consumer Data Protection in the Context of Telematics Insurance by Freyja van den Boom
Considering the IDD within the EU legal framework on ADR systems by Flaminia Montemaggiori
IDD and Distribution Risk Management by Jorge Miguel Bravo
Redefining Product Management
IDD's perspective by Diana Renata Bozek
Part IV. An Empirical Analysis of the Standardised Pre-Contractual Information Document: The Reality of the Promised Increase in Customer Protection under the Insurance Distribution Directive by Christian Bo Kolding-Krøger, Aalykke Hansen and Amelie Brofeldt. .

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