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Design of efficient, dependable SoCs based on cross-layer-reliability approach with emphasis on wireless communication as application and DRAM memories
CRAU: Compositional System-Level Reliability Analysis in the Presence of Uncertainties
Semantics-aware Soft Error Handling for Embedded Systems using Compiler-OS Interaction
ARES: Self-Adaptive Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures as Reliability Enhancers in Embedded Systems
Cross-Layer Techniques for Dependable Software Execution on Embedded Systems
Ambrosia: Cross-layer Modeling and Mitigation of Aging Effects in Embedded Systems
Cross-Layer Dependability for Embedded Hardware/Software Systems
Fault-Tolerant Computing with Heterogeneous Hardware/Software Hardening Modes
Robust Computing for Machine Learning-Based Systems
Hardening embedded system software
LIFT: Lifting Device-Level Characteristics for Error Resilient System Level Design: A Crosslayer Approach
VirTherm-3D: Communication Virtualization Enabling System Management for Dependable 3D MPSoCs
OTERA: Online Test Strategies for Reliable Reconfigurable Architectures
Variability-Aware Software: Recent Results and Contributions
EM Lifetime Constrained Optimization for Multi-Segment Power Grid Networks
Lightweight Software-Assisted Memory Error Correction
Reliability-Driven Resource Management for Multi-Core Systems-on-Chip
Monitor Circuits for Device-Circuit Interaction
PERCIES: Providing Efficient Reliability in Critical Embedded Systems.

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