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Part I - Introduction: 1 Reconciling State Immunity with Recognition of War Victims in a Legal Pluriverse by Anne Peters and Valentina Volpe
Part II - Immunity: 2 Right of Access to (Italian) Courts über alles? Legal Implications beyond Germany's Jurisdictional Immunity by Paolo Palchetti
3 The Illusion of Perfect Justice by Christian Tomuschat
4 Sentenza 238/2014: A Good Case for Law-Reform? by Heike Krieger
Part III - Remedies: 5 A Plea for Legal Peace by Riccardo Pavoni
6 A Story of 'Trials and Errors' That Might Have No Happy End by Jörg Luther
7 State Immunity, Individual Compensation for Victims of Human Rights Crimes, and Future Prospects by Stefan Kadelbach
8 Sketches for a Reparation Scheme: How Could a German-Italian Fund for the IMIs Work? by Filippo Fontanelli
Part IV - European Perspectives: 9 Waiting for Negotiations: An Italian Way to Get Out of the Deadlock by Alessandro Bufalini
10 Sentenza 238/2014: EU Law and EU Values by Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella
11 The Consequences of Sentenza 238/2014: What to Do Now? by Doris König
12 Would the World Be a Better Place If One Were to Adopt a 'European' Approach to State Immunity? Or, 'Soll am europäischen Wesen die Staatenimmunität genesen'? by Andreas Zimmermann
Part V - Courts: 13 A Dangerous Last Line of Defence: Or, a Roman Court Goes Lutheran by Christian J. Tams
14 Teaching the World Court Makes a Bad Case: Revisiting the Relationship between by Domestic Courts and the ICJ by Raffaela Kunz
15 Between Cynicism and Idealism: Is the Italian Constitutional Court Passing the Buck to the Italian Judiciary? by Giovanni Boggero and Karin Oellers-Frahm
Part VI - Negotiations: 16 Deadlocked in Dualism: Negotiating for a Final Settlement by Andreas von Arnauld
17 Moving beyond Judicial Conflict in the Name of the Pre-Eminence of Fundamental Human Rights by Valerio Onida
18 Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Italian Concerns between Constitutional Rights and International Law by Andreas L. Paulus
19 Overcoming the Judicial Conundrum: The Road to a Diplomatic Solution by Francesco Francioni
Part VII - The Past and Future of Remedies: 20 Recollections of a Judge by Sabino Cassese
21 A Dialogical Epilogue by Joseph H.H. Weiler
Annex: Sentenza 238/2014.

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