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Chapter 1: Making Sense of Change: Methodological Approaches to Societies in Transformation An Introduction
Part 1: Scales of Change
Chapter 2: Scales of Change and Diagnostic Contradictions: Shifting Relations Between an Emigrant Community and its Diaspora
Chapter 3: Seeing Social Change through the Institutional Lens: Universities in Egypt, 2011-2018
Chapter 4: Conceptualizing Change in the Cuban Revolution
Part 2: Biographies of Change
Chapter 5: Social Change and Generational Disparity: Education, Violence, and Precariousness in the Life Story of a Young Moroccan Activist
Chapter 6: Rescuing Biography from the Nation: Discrete Perspectives on Political Change in Morocco
Chapter 7: A Proper House, Not a Barn: House Biographies and Societal Change in Urban Kyrgyzstan
Chapter 8: When a Coterie Becomes a Generation: Intellectual Sociability and the Narrative of Generational Change in Sayyid Qutbs Egypt
Part 3: Change in the Making
Chapter 9: Spatializing Social Change: Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Upper-Guinea
Chapter 10: The Affects of Change: An Ethnography of the Affective Experiences of the 2013 Military Intervention in Egypt
Chapter 11: Funeral Reforms in Taiwan: Insights on Change from a Discourse Analytic Perspective.

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