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Introduction from Editors
Part 1: National Perspectives on Participation in IEA Civic and Citizenship Education Studies
1 Flemish Belgian Students' and Teachers' Results in the IEA ICCS Studies: Implication for Cross-Curricular Approaches to Civic Education; Ellen Claes and Linde Stals
2 Bulgarian Civic Education in Transition; Svetla Petrova
3 Civic and Citizenship Education in Chile and the Influence of International Civic and Citizenship Education Studies; Gabriela Cares and Elisa Salinas Valdivieso
4 Civic and Citizenship Education in Colombia: Challenges for Both Students and Teachers; Luis Felipe Dussán Zuluaga and Juan Camilo Ramírez Chaguendo
5 Civic and Citizenship Education in Denmark 1999-2019: Discourses of Progressive and Productive Education; Jens Bruun
6 Building Civic and Citizenship Education in the Dominican Republic; Ancell Scheker and Michelle Guzmán
7 Estonian Civic and Citizenship Education in Turbulent Times; Anu Toots and Mare Oja
8 IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study and the Teaching of Civic Education in Italy; Laura Palmerio, Valeria Damiani and Elisa Caponera
9 Improving Civic and Citizenship Education in Latvia; Ireta ̌Cekse
10 How IEA Civic and Citizenship Education Studies Have Contributed to Educational Discourse in Lithuania; Rita Dukynaiṫe, Ginta Orintieṅe, and ̌Sarūnas Gerulaitis
11 The Role of IEA Civic and Citizenship Education Studies in Mexico; María Eugenia Luna-Elizarrarás, María Teresa Meléndez-Irigoyen and Citlalli Sánchez-Alvarez
12 Inequality in Citizenship Competences: Citizenship Education and Policy in The Netherlands; Anne Bert Dijkstra, Geert ten Dam and Anke Munniksma
13 Strengthening Connections Between Research, Policy and Practice in Norwegian Civic and Citizenship Education; Heidi Biseth, Idunn Seland and Lihong Huang
14 The Role of IEA Studies in the Development of Civic and Citizenship Education in Slovenia; Eva Klemeňcǐc Mirazchiyski
Part 2: Regional and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Findings From the IEA Civic and Citizenship Education Studies
15 The Personal, the Professional, and the Political: An Intertwined Perspective on the IEA Civic Education Studies; Erik Amnå
16 Joining an International Community of Practice: Reflections on the IEA Civic Education Studies as an Early Career Scholar; Carolyn Barber
17 IEA Civic Education Studies in Latin America: Paths of Influence and Critique in Policy and Research; Cristian Cox
18 Reflecting on IEA CIVED in the United States: Policies, People, and Research; Carole Hahn
19 The Contribution of the IEA Civic and Citizenship Education Studies to Educational Research and Policy in Europe; Maria Magdalena Isac
20 Asian Students' Citizenship Values: Exploring Theory by Reviewing Secondary Data Analysis; Kerry Kennedy
21 Understanding School and Classroom Contexts for Civic and Citizenship Education: The Importance of Teacher Data in the IEA Studies; Bruno Losito, Gabriella Agrusti, and Valeria Damiani
22 The Landscape and Recent Developments of Civic and Citizenship Education Across the Latin American Region; Andrés Sandoval-Hernández and Daniel Miranda
23 Reflections on the Development of the IEA Civic and Citizenship Education Studies; Wolfram Schulz
24 A Moral Perspective on Citizenship Education and on IEA International Civic and Citizenship Studies; Wiel Veugelers.

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