Linked e-resources


Between science, technology and society
A framework for experimenting co-creation in real-life contexts
Framing real-life experimentations as case studies
FabLab Barcelona - Co-design for food surplus: better redistributing, upcycling and composting
Polifactory. Transforming playful movement into sound: co-create a smart system for children with cerebral palsy
Maker - Plastic In, Plastic Out: Circular Economy and Local Production
KTP - Collectively improving air quality in Krakow: A new Air Quality Plan for the Ma±opolska region
PA4ALL - Innovative learning methods for education in agriculture: an ICT based learning programme for high schools
ThessAHALL - A life-long learning programme for social inclusion of "early-stage" older adult researchers
Ciência Viva - Promoting marine activities around Lisbon: self-constructed boats
Cube design museum - empathic co-design for societal impact
Science Gallery Dublin - Open mind: Improving mental health of young people
TRACES - In 2030, artificial intelligences will visit museums?
Assessing co-creation in relation to context for RRI operationalisation.

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