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M.C. Boado-Penas, J. Eisenberg, Ş. Şahin: Covid-19: a trigger for innovations in insurance?.-Jose Garrido: Compartment models.-David Wilkie: On a dynamic epidemiological actuarial model
Andrew Cairns: Changes in mortality during a pandemic
Gary Venter: Mortality models with contagion
Diagnostic tests and procedures during a pandemic
Matthew Aldridge: Group tests
Gustavo Demarco and Fiona Stewart: On World Bank's pandemic emergency financial facilities
Hirbod Assa & Tim Boonen: Mathematical modelling of catastrophe bonds
Nuria Badenes Pla: Behaviouristic aspects, obedience to the introduced measures in different countries.-Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz:The optimal length and severity of a lockdown.-Peter Filzmoser: The optimal length and severity of a lockdown
Rachel Hillier:Pandemic related legal problems.-Frank Schiller:An actuary's opinion.

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