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1. Introduction: Sustainability Science as Co-Creative Research Praxis.- 2. Painting Outside the Lines: Transgressing the Managerial University, Avoiding Forced Creativity.- 3. Cooking commoning subjectivities: guerrilla narrative in the Cooperation Birmingham solidarity kitchen.- 4. Participative and decolonial approaches in environmental history.- 5. An Ethos and Practice of Appreciation for Transformative Research: Appreciative Inquiry, Care Ethics, and Creative Method.- 6. Imaginative Leadership: A conceptual frame for the design and facilitation of creative methods and generative engagement.- 7. Insights and inspiration from explorative research into the impacts of a community arts project.- 8. How to nurture ground for arts-based co-creative practice in an invited space: reflections on a community in North Netherlands.- 9. Reflections on doing cross-cultural research through and with visual methods.- 10. The Eye of the Beholder: Applying visual analysis in an historical study of lynxes' representations in the Bavarian Forest region.- 11. Back to the drawing board: creative mapping methods for inclusion and connection.- 12. 'Getting deep into things': Deep mapping in a 'vacant' landscape.- 13. Engaging 'future generations' in meaning making through visual methods: an alternative approach to defining city-regions.- 14. Technology as a Tool for Environmental Engagement. The case of Digital Participatory Mapping (DPM).- 15. Living Labs: a creative and collaborative planning approach.- 16. Supporting institutional transformations: experimenting with reflexive and embodied cross-boundary research.- 17. How to make policy makers care about 'wicked problems' such as biodiversity loss?
the case of a policy campaign.

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