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1. Introduction: Epistemic and Artistic list-Making; Roman Alexander Barton, Julia Bockling, Sarah Link and Anne Ruggemeier. - 2. Between Narrativity, Memory and Administration: Lists in Roman Historiography; Martin Stockinger
3. Lore and Order? Enlisting Rabbinic Epistemology; Lennart Lehmhaus
4. Moral Curiosity Cabinets: Listing and the Character Sketch in Addison and Steeles Periodicals; Theresa Schon
5. The Lists of Alexander von Humboldt: On the Epistemology of Scientific Practice; Ottmar Ette
6. Dont Trust the List: The Politics of Enumeration and Capitalist Discourse in the Novel; Eva von Contzen
7. More than a Canon: Lists of Contents in British Poetry Anthologies; Stefanie Lethbridge
8. Aesthetic Unrest: "Howl" and the Literary List; Alyson Brickey
9. Culinary list form in the experimental Poetry of 1960s Finland: Literary Menus and Recipes; Juri Joensuu
10. Poetological Lists: Writing-Scences in Contemporary Literature; Ulrike Vedder
11. Between Order and Chaos: Lists in Childrens Literature; Agnes Blumer
12. Aesthetics of Enumeration: The Arma Christi in Medieval Visual Art; Daniela Wagner
13. Et cetera Photobooks? Reflections on Conceptual Documentary Photography as Visual Enumeration; Anja Schurmann

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