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1. Introduction
Section I: Transformational Change
2. Evaluation for Transformational Change: Learning From Practice
3. Transformational Change for Achieving Scale: Lessons for a Greener Recovery
Section II: Drivers of Sustainability
4. Sustainability After Project Completion: Evidence from the GEF
5. From the Big Picture to Detailed Observation: The Case of GEF IEO's Strategic Country Cluster Evaluations
6. Staying Small and Beautiful: Enhancing Sustainability in the Small Island Developing States
7. Assessing Sustainable Development Interventions
8. Can We Assume Sustained Impact? Verifying the Sustainability of Climate Change Mitigation Results
Section III: Evaluating Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
9. Using a Realist Framework to Overcome Evaluation Challenges in the Uncertain Landscape of Carbon Finance
10. Evaluation's Role in Development Projects: Boosting Energy-Efficiency in a Traditional Industry in Chad
11. Enabling Systems Innovation in Climate Change Adaptation: Exploring the Role for MEL
12. Assessing the Evaluability of Adaptation-focused Interventions: Lessons from the Adaptation Fund
13. Evaluating Transformational Adaptation in Smallholder Farming: Insights From an Evidence Review
Section IV: Evaluation Approaches
14. Evaluation at the Endgame: Evaluating Sustainability and the SDGs by Moving Past Dominion and Institutional Capture
15. Importance and Utilization of Theory-based Evaluations in the Context of Sustainable Development and Social-Ecological Systems
16. Pathway to the Transformative Policy of Agenda 2030: Evaluation of Finland's Sustainable Development Policy
17. Evaluating for Resilient and Sustainable Livelihoods: Applying a Normative Framework to Emerging Realities
18. Measuring the Impact of Monitoring: How We Know Transparent Near-Real-Time Data Can Help Save the Forests
19. Application of Geospatial Methods in Evaluating Environmental Interventions and Related Socioeconomic Benefits.

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