Linked e-resources


HOLL: Program Synthesis for Higher Order Logic Locking
The Complexity of LTL Rational Synthesis
Synthesis of Compact Strategies for Coordination Programs
ZDD Boolean Synthesis
Comparative Verification of the Digital Library of Mathematical
Functions and Computer Algebra Systems
Verifying Fortran Programs with CIVL
NORMA: a tool for the analysis of Relay-based Railway Interlocking Systems
Efficient Neural Network Analysis with Sum-of-Infeasibilities
Formal Verification of the Ethereum 2.0 Beacon Chain
Fast and Reliable Formal Verification of Smart Contracts with the Move Prover
A Max-SMT Superoptimizer for EVM handling Memory and Storage
Grammatical Inference
A New Approach for Active Automata Learning Based on Apartness
Learning Realtime One-Counter Automata
Scalable Anytime Algorithms for Learning Fragments of Linear Temporal Logic
and Daniel NeiderLearning Model Checking and the Kernel Trick for Signal Temporal Logic on Stochastic Processes
Verification Inference
Inferring Interval-Valued Floating-Point Preconditions
NeuReach: Learning Reachability Functions from Simulations
Quantifier Alternations: Taming the Search Space Explosion
LinSyn: Synthesizing Tight Linear Bounds for Arbitrary Neural Network Activation Functions
Short papers
Kmclib: Automated Inference and Verification of Session Types from OCaml Programs
Automated Translation of Natural Language Requirements to Runtime Monitors
MaskD: A Tool for Measuring Masking Fault-Tolerance
Better Counterexamples for Dafny
Constraint Solving
cvc5: A Versatile and Industrial-Strength SMT Solver
Clausal Proofs for Pseudo-Boolean Reasoning
Moving Definition Variables in Quantified Boolean Formulas
A Sorted Datalog Hammer for Supervisor Verification Conditions Modulo Simple Linear Arithmetic
Model checking and verification
Property Directed Reachability for Generalized Petri Nets
Transition Power Abstractions for Deep Counterexample Detection
Searching for Ribbon-Shaped Paths in Fair Transition Systems
CoVeriTeam: On-Demand Composition of Cooperative Verification Systems.

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