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1 Epistemology and Science at the Turn of the 18th Century
1.1 The Heritage of the 17th Century
1.1.1 Descartes's Purely Deductive Mixed Mathematics
1.1.2 Pardies' Mechanics and Theory of Light
1.1.3 Huygens' Philosophical Mixed Mathematics
1.2 Newton Philosopher, Theologian, Alchemist and Even Mathematician
1.2.1 Space, Time and Motion
1.2.2 The Concept of Force
1.2.3 Theory of Light
1.2.4 Theological Writings. The Treatise on Apocalypse
1.2.5 A New Form of Mechanicism. The Queries
1.2.6 Newton's Methodology
1.3 Quotations

2.5.1 Influence of Newtonianism on Physicists
2.5.2 Influence of Newtonianism on Chemists
2.6 The Treatises of Experimental Physics
2.7 The Technology of Scientific Instruments
2.8 Quotations
3 Classical Mechanics
3.1 Mechanics and Natural Philosophy at the Turn of Century
3.2 The Spreading of Calculus
3.2.1 First Uses in Dynamics
3.3 Scalar Approaches to Mechanics
3.3.1 Johann Bernoulli's Forces and Energies
3.3.2 Maupertuis and the Role of God in Mechanics
3.4 Euler's Natural Philosophy and Vector Analysis
3.4.1 Philosophy of Nature

3.4.2 Mechanics and Mathematics
3.4.3 The Apparent Motion and the Observer
3.5 D'Alembert Science and Philosophy
3.5.1 The Way to Knowledge
3.5.2 The Parts of Science
3.5.3 Mechanics as a Mathematical Science
3.6 Epilogue. Lagrangian Synthesis
3.7 Quotations
4 Physics in General
4.1 Theories of Light
4.1.1 Projectile Theories
4.1.2 Vibration Theories
4.2 Photometry, a New Field of Optics
4.2.1 Lambert's Contribution. A Philosopher and a Physicist
4.3 Electricity as a Paradigm of Experimental Sciences
4.3.1 Early Theories About Electricity

4.3.2 Some Elements in the History of Electricity in the 18th Century
4.3.3 A Representative of British Electricity. Stephen Gray
4.3.4 The Leyden Jar
4.3.5 A Comprehensive Theory of Electricity. Franz Ulrich Theodosius Aepinus
4.3.6 The Italian School
4.3.7 Giambattista Beccaria
4.3.8 Carlo Battista Barletti
4.3.9 Charles Augustin Coulomb
4.4 Quotations
5 The Emergence of the Science of Engineering
5.1 Science, Technology and Engineering
5.1.1 Technology Versus Applied Science
5.1.2 A Historical Perspective
5.2 Scientists or Technologists?

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