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1. Introduction
2. US Turkish Relations in the Light of the Syrian Crisis (2011-2019)
3. THE CHINESE PARADOX "Non-Interference" in Middle East Conflicts and Support for Governments: The case of Syria
4. Wedge strategy: How Saudi Arabia is attempting to influence the Syrian conflict?
5. Iran and exporting the revolution: The Syrian case
6. he Iranian-Russian rapprochement and its impact on the regional security and policies of the influential countries in the region
7. Saudi-Russian relations in the post-Arab uprisings: A case study of Syria
8. ASTANA: ASTANA: The Rise of a New Alliance and Its Implications for International Relations
9. The effects of the Syrian crisis on China's BRI approach to the Middle East
10. The Syria and hydrocarbons: present and prospective politico-economic issues
11. The use of violent non-state actors in the context of the Iranian-Arab Gulf rivalry:The Syrian case
12. Russian Propaganda in the context of the Syrian crisis
13. Decentralization in Syria: A Catalyst for Internal and Regional Stabilization.

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