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Ch 1: Introduction Ch 2: A Call for An African Policy Framework Towards China Ch 3: Regionalizing Sino-African Diplomatic Engagement: Kagame and Overcoming The 'One and The Many' Paradigm Ch 4: Cultural Approaches To Africa's Engagement with China Ch 5: Pan-African Perspectives on International Relations
Africa and China Ch 6: China's Evolving Approach to the African Peace and Security Agenda: Rationale, Trends and Implications Ch 7: Self-Reliance or Dependency? The Role of China's Development Finance in Enhancing African Agency Ch 8: The EU and Africa: A Multilateral Model For The Future Of Africa-China Relations? Ch 9: One or Many Voices? Public Diplomacy and Its Impact on an African Policy Towards China Ch 10: The Need for Africa's Common Policy Towards China: A Decolonial Afrocentric Perspective Ch 11: Conclusion.

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