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Notes on abandonment / Philip Armstrong
The global subject of precarity / Ritu Vij
Precarity at the nexus of governmentality and sovereignty: entangled fields of power and political subjectivities / Nancy Ettlinger
Irregular labour and the 'life of the state': precarity, citizenship, and sovereignty in decolonizing Africa / Nick Bernards
Struggling with precarity: from 'more jobs' to post-work politics / Wanda Vrasti
Disability counter-communities: resisting precarity with friendship / Ivanka Antova and Bal Sokhi-Bulley
Precarity and Judith Butler's ambivalent social bond. What is the value of Ettingerian transconnectedness? / Nóirín MacNamara
Precarity unbound: insurrectional migrancy and citizen precarity in a globalized world / Nevzat Soguk
Within the factory of mobility: practices of Mexican migrant workers in the twentieth-century US labour regimes / Claudia Bernardi
The aesthetics and the politics of precarity: three films / Matt Davies
Fashioning and contesting precariousness: unauthorized migrant workers in Japan / Hironori Onuki.

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