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About the Editors
1 Macromolecular Resonances
1 Introduction
2 Resonant Recognition Model (RRM)
2.1 Resonances in Proteins and DNA/RNA as Calculated by RRM Model
2.2 Electromagnetic RRM Resonances Relevant to Biomolecular Biological Functions
2.3 Electromagnetic RRM Resonances Relevant in Electronics
3 RRM Bioresonances in Biology and Medicine
3.1 Interactions Between Proteins and DNA/RNA
3.2 Drug Design
3.3 Photobiomodulation in Medicine
3.4 Stem Cell Differentiation Using Electromagnetic Radiation

3.5 Environmental Radiation
3.6 Titanium Salt Patches and Nanophotonic Particles
4 Bioresonances and Temperature
4.1 Cystic Fibrosis
4.2 Sex Determination in Alligators
4.3 Heat Shock Proteins
4.4 Growth Factor
4.5 Skin Temperature in Mammals
4.6 Temperature of Protein Denaturalisation
4.7 Correlation Between Temperature and RRM Frequencies
5 Conclusion
2 Reformulating Physics Without Time
1 A Path Towards Timeless Physics
2 Experiment 1: Describing a Reference Atomic Clock by a Timeless Approach

3 Experiment 2: Deconstructing the Interpretation of Double Time-Slit Experiments at Subwavelength Timescale
4 Debunking the Definition of Time by the clack Toy system
5 Natural Time Parameter Generated by the Hamiltonian Timeless Scenario
5.1 Natural Time Parameter in Timeless Classical Mechanics
5.2 Natural Time Parameter in Quantum Field Theory
6 Recovering Generalized Clock Time
7 Conclusion
3 Electric and Magnetic Fields Inside Neurons and Their Impact upon the Cytoskeletal Microtubules
1 Introduction
2 Neurobiology
2.1 Brain Cortex Structure

2.2 Electric Sensory Input to the Cortex
2.3 Neuronal Morphology
2.4 The Neuronal Cytoskeleton
3 Electrodynamics
3.1 Right-Handed Coordinate Systems
3.2 Vectors
3.3 Electric Field
3.4 Physical and Vector Fluxes
3.5 Electric Current
3.6 Magnetic Field
3.7 Electromagnetic Induction
3.8 Maxwell's Equations
4 Electromagnetic Fields in Vivo
4.1 Neuronal Membranes as Excitable Units
4.2 Cable Equation and Dendritic Modeling
4.3 Electric Field in Dendrites
4.4 Electric Currents in Dendrites
4.5 Magnetic Field in Dendrites

4.6 Electromagnetic Field in Soma
4.7 Axonal Electrophysiology
4.8 The Hodgkin-Huxley Model
4.9 Magnetic Field in Axons
4.10 Electric Field in Axons
5 Implications for Microtubule Function
5.1 No Hall Effect in Microtubules
5.2 Microtubule Lattice Structure
5.3 Problems in the Ferroelectric Model of Microtubules
5.4 GTP Hydrolysis and Dynamic Instability
5.5 The Importance of the Water Microenvironment
5.6 Tubulin C-Terminal Tails
5.7 Post-translational Modification of Tubulin Tails
5.8 Processing of Information by Brain Microtubules

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