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PART ONE: VICTORIAN TRANSFORMATIONS.- Gothic architecture for the steam age: Charles Barrie.- Augustus Pugin and family.- George Gilbert Scott and family.- the rebuilt Houses of Parliament, the restoration of medieval France.- Thomas Lovell Beddoes.- John Ruskin.- the gothic cemetery (Highgate etc) Victor Hugo.- the Brontes; Charles Dickens and the ghost story.- Edith Wharton.- Sheriden le Fanu.- Sabine Baring Gould.- domestic gothic.- melodrama and the gothic.- Egyptian gothic taste.- freaks and raree shows.- Egyptian gothic.- stage magic and the gothic.- real life ghosts and hauntings.- PART TWO: FIN DE SIECLE.- Guy de Maupassant.- gothic music- Wagner and Berlioz.- Robert Louise Stevenson, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.- Ambrose Bierce.- magic lantern gothic.- Conan Doyle gothic.- Jack the Ripper.- the cult of Pan; Arthur Machen.- J K Huysman.- Bram Stoker and Dracula.- end of the century decadence-erotic gothic and occult gothic.- Oscar Wilde and the Picture of Dorian Gray.- Richard Marsh and the Beetle.- H G Wells.- the ghost tales of Edith Wharton.- Isaak Dineson.- Robert W Chambers: the King in Yellow.- Lord Dunsany.- Count Steinbock.- John Buchan.- end of the century ghost tales -minor writers.- bibliography.

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