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Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The zoonotic dog roundworm Toxocaracanis, a worldwide burden of public health
Chapter 3: Canine leishmaniasis
Chapter 4: The Challenges with Canine Giardia
Chapter 5: Dogs and their role in the eco-epidemiology of Chagas disease
Chapter 6: Echinococcus species
tiny tapeworms
Chapter 7: An update on the status of hydatidosis/echinococcosis in domestic animals, wildlife and humans in Australia
Chapter 8: Dipylidiumcaninum
Chapter 9: Ancylostoma caninum and other canine hookworms
Chapter 10: Strongyloidiasis
really a zoonosis?
Chapter 11: Dirofilaria spp. Do they get under your skin (or into your heart)?
Chapter 12: Guinea worm infection in dogs: a case of reverse zoonosis that impedes Dracunculusmedinensiseradication
Chapter 13: Ticks, dogs and humans
an endangered community
Chapter 14: Trematodes attacking dogs and humans.

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