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1 Introduction
2 Particles as building blocks of matter
3 From protons and neutrons to a zoo of particles
4 Order in the zoo and quarks
5 Forces that keep the universe together
6 Forces are also caused by particles
7 Neutrino is born as an idea
8 From idea to reality: neutrino story unfolds in slow motion
9 Neutrino discovered
10 Standard model of the particles and forces
11 Forces in the standard model and symmetries
12 More physics beyond the standard model or end of physics now?
13 Neutrinos Oscillate and hence they weigh
14 What have we learnt about neutrinos from neutrino oscillation experiments?
15 Mendeleev's periodic table
16 A brief overview of the Big Bang Theory of the Universe
17 Inflationary universe
18 From quarks to protons and neutrons and then to helium and beryllium and the dance of atoms
19 Stars as the cooking pots for heavy nuclei
20 Neutrino mass hints at mirror symmetry in Nature
21 Mirror symmetric weak force and neutrino mass
22 Hints of other new physics from neutrino mass
23 Origin of matter and neutrinos
24 Dark universe
25 Neutrinos from Heavenly sources
26 Anthropic principle
27 What lies ahead in the future?

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