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Chapter 1 Managing, Inducing, and Preventing Regime Shifts: A Review of the Literature
Chapter 2 Institutional change, education and population growth: lessons from dynamic modelling
Chapter 3 Poverty Traps and Disaster Insurance in a Bi-Level Decision Framework
Chapter 4 Rationally risking addiction: a two-stage approach
Chapter 5 Modelling social status and fertility decisions under differential mortality
Chapter 6 Financing Climate Change Policies: A Multi-Phase Integrated Assessment Model for Mitigation and Adaption
Chapter 7 On Scientific Innovations and Constraints: A Dynamic Analysis
Chapter 8 On the structure and regularity of optimal solutions in a differential game with regime switching and spillovers
Chapter 9 Optimal switching from competition to cooperation: a preliminary exploration
Chapter 10 Delaying Product Introduction in a Duopoly: A Strategic Dynamic Analysis
Chapter 11 On the Cournot-Ramsey model with non-linear demand functions
Chapter 12 Optimal Taxation with Endogenous Population Growth and the Risk of Environmental Disaster
Chapter 13 A Regime-Switching Model with Applications to Finance: Markovian and Non-Markovian Cases.

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