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List of Figures
List of Tables
1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Problem Statement
1.3 Research Question
1.4 Aim and Objectives
1.5 Research Significance and Contribution
1.6 Organisation of the Book
2 Urbanisation and China's Land Use Policy Reform
2.1 Urbanisation and Urban-Biased Development
2.1.1 Urbanisation in Developing Countries
2.1.2 Urbanisation in China
2.1.3 Urban-Biased Development
2.1.4 Urbanisation-Induced Displacement and Resettlement

2.2 China's Land Policy Reform
2.2.1 The Land Policy in Pre-reform Period
2.2.2 Land Use Policy in Post-reform Period
3 China's Rural Transformation and The Link Policy
3.1 China's Rural Transformation in Reform Era
3.1.1 Campaign of "Building a New Socialist Countryside"
3.1.2 An Innovative Model for BNSC-The Link Policy
3.1.3 The Evolution of the Link Policy
3.1.4 Practice of the Link Policy
3.1.5 Issues Raised from the Implementation of the Link Policy
3.2 Understanding the Link Policy
3.2.1 Compulsory Land Acquisition

3.2.2 Displacement and Resettlement Programme
3.2.3 Transferable Development Rights (TDR) Programme
3.3 Theories for Understanding the Link Policy
3.3.1 Rent Theory and Land Supply
3.3.2 Location Theory
3.4 Synthesis
4 Methodological Issues
4.1 Research Design
4.2 Study Area
4.3 Questionnaire Design and Data Collection
4.4 Research Methods
4.4.1 Research Methods for Research Objective 1
4.4.2 Research Methods for Research Objective 2
4.4.3 Research Methods for Research Objective 3
5 Rural Densification Under China's Link Policy

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Rural Transformation in Reform Era: Concentrated Resettlement
5.2.1 "Building a New Socialist Countryside" in China
5.2.2 An Innovative Model for BNSC: The Link Policy
5.3 The Implementation of the Link Policy in Ezhou
5.4 Policy Impacts and Farmers' Satisfaction
5.4.1 Impacts of the Link Policy on Rural Life
5.4.2 Farmer's Satisfaction with the Link Policy
5.5 Discussion
5.5.1 Understanding the Essence of the Link Policy
5.5.2 Improving Farmer Satisfaction with the Link Policy
5.6 Conclusion

6 An Evaluation of Contemporary China's Land Use Policy-The Link Policy: A Case Study from Ezhou City, Hubei Province
6.1 Introduction
6.1.1 Understanding the Components of the Link Policy
6.2 Methods
6.2.1 Research Design and Evaluation Framework
6.2.2 Study Area and Data
6.3 Results
6.3.1 Participation Rates and Respondent Characteristics
6.3.2 Objective 1: Preserving Farmland
6.3.3 Objective 2: Protecting Farmers' Land Use Rights and Interests
6.3.4 Objective 3: Improving Rural Living Conditions and Agricultural Production

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