Linked e-resources
Table of Contents
Organizing the multidisciplinary Team
Multidisciplinary Treatment: Influence on Outcomes
Decisions in the Multidiciplinary Team
Influence of disease-, treatment and cancer related factors
Meeting the challenge of increased specialisation
Early Intervention for Colorectal Cancer
Significant Polyp and Early Colorectal Cancer (SPECC)
a national development program
Managing of Rectal Neoplasia
Local excision of rectal cancer after neoadjuvant treatment
Introduction to surgery and addendum
Surgical Research
Surgical anatomy of the rectum and the TME specimen (Total mesorectal Excision)
Major procedures for rectal cancer
Locally advanced and recurrent cancer
Reconstruction after neoadjuvant and abdomino perineal
Low Anterior Resection Syndrome
Surgical Anatomy of the Colon and Complete Mesocolic Excision
Introduction to oncology
Multidisciplinary treatment of rectal cancer
Adjuvant therapy in patients with colorectal cancer
Immunotherapy for Patients with mCRC
Chemotherapy and targeted drugs for Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
Chemo-Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced T3/T4Rectal Cancer: What Should We Do with Complete Responders?
Introduction : Preoperative staging by imaging
Cross-sectional imaging for local staging of rectal cancer
Dual Energy CT
Evaluation of tumor regression
Introduction to pathology of colorectal cancer
Early colorectal cancer
Quality of surgery
reporting on surgical specimen
Staging of colorectal cancer (including staging after neoadjuvant therapy)
Molecular Pathology in Colorectal Cancer; Current Practice and Future Directions
Multidisciplinary treatment of colorectal cancer-The Palliatie Care Team- Introduction
Surgical treatment in palliative care.
Multidisciplinary Treatment: Influence on Outcomes
Decisions in the Multidiciplinary Team
Influence of disease-, treatment and cancer related factors
Meeting the challenge of increased specialisation
Early Intervention for Colorectal Cancer
Significant Polyp and Early Colorectal Cancer (SPECC)
a national development program
Managing of Rectal Neoplasia
Local excision of rectal cancer after neoadjuvant treatment
Introduction to surgery and addendum
Surgical Research
Surgical anatomy of the rectum and the TME specimen (Total mesorectal Excision)
Major procedures for rectal cancer
Locally advanced and recurrent cancer
Reconstruction after neoadjuvant and abdomino perineal
Low Anterior Resection Syndrome
Surgical Anatomy of the Colon and Complete Mesocolic Excision
Introduction to oncology
Multidisciplinary treatment of rectal cancer
Adjuvant therapy in patients with colorectal cancer
Immunotherapy for Patients with mCRC
Chemotherapy and targeted drugs for Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
Chemo-Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced T3/T4Rectal Cancer: What Should We Do with Complete Responders?
Introduction : Preoperative staging by imaging
Cross-sectional imaging for local staging of rectal cancer
Dual Energy CT
Evaluation of tumor regression
Introduction to pathology of colorectal cancer
Early colorectal cancer
Quality of surgery
reporting on surgical specimen
Staging of colorectal cancer (including staging after neoadjuvant therapy)
Molecular Pathology in Colorectal Cancer; Current Practice and Future Directions
Multidisciplinary treatment of colorectal cancer-The Palliatie Care Team- Introduction
Surgical treatment in palliative care.