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1 Introduction
1.1 Research Gap
1.1.1 Approach and Contributions
1.1.2 Structure of Analysis
2 Literature Review
2.1 Identifying the Core Literature on Communities of Practice
2.2 Reviewing the CoP Construct and Its Dimensions
2.2.1 The Nature of Communities of Practice
2.2.2 The Praxis in Communities of Practice
2.2.3 The Local Context of Communities of Practice
2.2.4 The Outcome of Communities of Practice
2.2.5 The Trans-local Context Around Communities of Practice
2.3 Summary of Section and Research Questions
3 Theoretical Background
3.1 Theoretical and Ontological Underpinnings of CoP Research
3.1.1 Practice-Oriented Theory and a Processual Understanding of Learning in CoPs
3.1.2 CoPs as Social Entities and the Knowledge-Based-View
3.1.3 Interim Conclusion
3.2 Complexity Theory: A Complementary Perspective on CoPs
3.2.1 The Intellectual Origins of Complexity Theory
3.2.2 Complex Adaptive Systems Dynamics and Complexity Leadership
3.2.3 Extending Practice-Oriented Approaches with Complexity Theory
3.3 Summary of Section
4 Research Setting and Methods
4.1 Research Setting
4.2 Research Approach and Procedures
4.2.1 Utilizing an Inductive, Interpretative Research Approach to Build Process Theory
4.2.2 Data Collection
4.2.3 Data Analysis
5 Findings
5.1 Findings Part 1: Changes, Needs, and Community Emergence
5.1.1 Increased Environmental Dynamics in Several Practice Areas
5.1.2 Identifying the Need for Specialized Resources
5.1.3 Self-organized Resourcing within Evolving Communities of Practice
5.1.4 Summary of Section
5.2 Findings Part 2: The Cultural Embeddedness of Communities
5.2.1 Learned Cultural Repertoire
5.2.2 Experiencing Cultural Dissonance
5.2.3 Resourcing Cultural Practices in CoPs
5.2.4 Constructing a New Community Schema
5.2.5 Summary of Section
5.3 Findings Part 3: Formal Leaders Interactions with Emergent CoPs
5.3.1 Enabling CoP Emergence
5.3.2 Resourcing Additional Assets to CoPs
5.3.3 Mutual Adjustment of Schemas
5.3.4 Transforming Emergent Resources
5.3.5 Summary of Section
6 Grounded Model of CoPs' Embeddedness
6.1 Self-organized Resourcing in Communities of Practice
6.2 Sustaining the Tension: Leadership and CoPs
7 Discussion
7.1 Implications for Research on Communities of Practice
7.2 Implications for Research on Complexity Leadership Theory
7.3 Implications for Research on Organizational Culture
7.4 Implications for Managerial Practice
7.5 Beyond the Military Organization and Further Research
8 Concluding Remarks
to Archival Data Inventory
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1 Introduction
1.1 Research Gap
1.1.1 Approach and Contributions
1.1.2 Structure of Analysis
2 Literature Review
2.1 Identifying the Core Literature on Communities of Practice
2.2 Reviewing the CoP Construct and Its Dimensions
2.2.1 The Nature of Communities of Practice
2.2.2 The Praxis in Communities of Practice
2.2.3 The Local Context of Communities of Practice
2.2.4 The Outcome of Communities of Practice
2.2.5 The Trans-local Context Around Communities of Practice
2.3 Summary of Section and Research Questions
3 Theoretical Background
3.1 Theoretical and Ontological Underpinnings of CoP Research
3.1.1 Practice-Oriented Theory and a Processual Understanding of Learning in CoPs
3.1.2 CoPs as Social Entities and the Knowledge-Based-View
3.1.3 Interim Conclusion
3.2 Complexity Theory: A Complementary Perspective on CoPs
3.2.1 The Intellectual Origins of Complexity Theory
3.2.2 Complex Adaptive Systems Dynamics and Complexity Leadership
3.2.3 Extending Practice-Oriented Approaches with Complexity Theory
3.3 Summary of Section
4 Research Setting and Methods
4.1 Research Setting
4.2 Research Approach and Procedures
4.2.1 Utilizing an Inductive, Interpretative Research Approach to Build Process Theory
4.2.2 Data Collection
4.2.3 Data Analysis
5 Findings
5.1 Findings Part 1: Changes, Needs, and Community Emergence
5.1.1 Increased Environmental Dynamics in Several Practice Areas
5.1.2 Identifying the Need for Specialized Resources
5.1.3 Self-organized Resourcing within Evolving Communities of Practice
5.1.4 Summary of Section
5.2 Findings Part 2: The Cultural Embeddedness of Communities
5.2.1 Learned Cultural Repertoire
5.2.2 Experiencing Cultural Dissonance
5.2.3 Resourcing Cultural Practices in CoPs
5.2.4 Constructing a New Community Schema
5.2.5 Summary of Section
5.3 Findings Part 3: Formal Leaders Interactions with Emergent CoPs
5.3.1 Enabling CoP Emergence
5.3.2 Resourcing Additional Assets to CoPs
5.3.3 Mutual Adjustment of Schemas
5.3.4 Transforming Emergent Resources
5.3.5 Summary of Section
6 Grounded Model of CoPs' Embeddedness
6.1 Self-organized Resourcing in Communities of Practice
6.2 Sustaining the Tension: Leadership and CoPs
7 Discussion
7.1 Implications for Research on Communities of Practice
7.2 Implications for Research on Complexity Leadership Theory
7.3 Implications for Research on Organizational Culture
7.4 Implications for Managerial Practice
7.5 Beyond the Military Organization and Further Research
8 Concluding Remarks
to Archival Data Inventory