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1: Epidemiological Trends and Risk Factors of Colorectal Cancer: Implications for Population-Based Organized Service Screening
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Role of Population-Based Screening in Reducing Disease Burden of Colorectal Cancer
1.1.2 Decomposition of Epidemiologic Indicators for the Disease Burden of Colorectal Cancer
1.2 Socioeconomic Status and CRC
1.3 Colorectal Cancer in Asian Countries
1.4 Risk Factors for CRC
1.5 Family History of Colorectal Cancer
1.6 Lifestyle and Exposures
1.6.1 Cigarette Smoking

1.6.2 Obesity
1.6.3 Physical Activity
1.7 Metabolic Syndrome and Components Associated with CRC
2: Population-Based Organized Service Screening for Colorectal Cancer
2.1 Evidence-Based for Population-Based CRC Screening
2.2 Opportunistic Versus Organized Screening
2.3 Existing Screening Programs Worldwide
2.4 Periodical Population-Based Organized Service Screening for CRC
2.5 Basic Elements in a Population-Based CRC Organized Service Screening
2.5.1 National Health Policy
2.5.2 Financial Support
2.5.3 Health Care Resources

2.5.4 Community Resources
2.5.5 Supporting System Outside Ordinary Health Care System
2.5.6 Information System
2.5.7 Evidence-Based Evaluation
3: Options of Colorectal Cancer Screening: An Overview
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Stool-Based Tests for Screening
3.2.1 The Fecal Occult Blood Test
3.2.2 The Role of Fecal Hemoglobin Concentration
3.2.3 Stool DNA Test
3.2.4 Fecal Microbiota as a Potential Biomarker for CRC Screening
3.3 Blood-Based Tests for Screening
3.3.1 Plasmic Methylated Septin-9

3.4 Estimation of CRC Risk Based on Screening Test Results
3.5 Direct Visualizing Examinations for CRC Screening
3.5.1 Double-Contrast Barium Enema
3.5.2 Computed Tomographic Colonography
3.5.3 Colon Capsule Endoscopy
3.5.4 Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
3.5.5 Colonoscopy
3.6 Options for CRC Screening in Primary Care Setting
3.7 Summary
4: Endoscopy-Based Colorectal Cancer Screening
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Effectiveness of Lower Endoscopy Screening
4.2.1 Colonoscopy
4.2.2 Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
4.3 Safety of Screening Lower Endoscopy

4.3.1 Colonoscopy
4.3.2 Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
4.4 Current Situation and Future Perspectives on the Global Implementation of Screening Colonoscopy
4.5 Methods to Increase Effectiveness of Screening Colonoscopy
4.5.1 Add-on Devices
4.5.2 Image-Enhanced Endoscopy
4.5.3 Bowel Cleansing
4.6 Conclusions
5: Noninvasive Screening Test
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Stool-Based Tests
5.2.1 Guaiac FOBT
5.2.2 Fecal Immunochemical Test
5.2.3 Multi-target Stool DNA Test
5.2.4 Other Stool Biomarkers
5.3 Blood-Based Tests

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