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How (not) to be cynical in international law / Björnstjern Baade, Dana Burchardt, Prisca Feihle, Alicia Köppen, Linus Mührel, Lena Riemer, Raphael Schäfer
Part I: Cynical foundations of international law
Cynicism and the autonomy of international law / Theresa Reinold
Beyond cynicism and critique : international law and the possibility of change / Gabriel M. Lentner
Cynicism as a modus of political agency : can it speak to international law? / Hengameh Saberi
Part II: Cynical actors in international law
The International Law Commission as a club of cynics? : originalism and legalism in the Commission's contemporary work / Konstantin Kleine
The added value of the International Law Commission and its future role in the progressive development and codification of international law / Patrícia Galvão Teles
From speaking truth to power to speaking power's truth : transnational judicial activism in an increasingly illiberal world / Daniel Quiroga-Villamarín
From Judicialisation to Politicisation? : a response to Daniel Quiroga-Villamarín by an academic turned practitioner / Andreas Paulus
Oceans of cynicism? : norm-genesis, lawfare and the South China Sea Arbitration Case / Christian Pogies
Peace through law? : the role of the Law of the Sea Convention put into question / Nele Matz-Lück
Part III: Cynicism in European law and sub-fields of public international law
Assessing the strategic use of the EU Preliminary Ruling Procedure by national courts / Jesse Claassen
In international law we (do not) trust : the persistent rejection of economic and social rights as a manifestation of cynicism / Caroline Omari Lichuma
In international law we shall trust : (even in) the case of economic and social rights / Dominik Steiger
All is fair in law and war? : legal cynicism in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict / Shiri Krebs
Cynicism? : yes, please! : embracing cynicism at the International Criminal Court / Elisabeth Baier
Part IV: Cynicism and abuse of rights
Abuse of right in international law : a Roman law analogy / Andrea Faraci, Luigi Lonardo
Abuse of rights : from Roman law to International Law? : comments on the contribution by Andrea Faraci and Luigi Lonardo / Helmut Philipp Aust
Cynicism and nationality planning in international investment law / Philipp Janig
(New) ways of combating abuse and circumvention of European law on the example of tax evasion and tax avoidance / Helene Hayden
Part V: Concluding observations
Cynicism as an analytical lense for international law? : concluding observations / Heike Krieger.

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