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Part I. Medical Technologies for the Betterment of Humankind
Chapter 1. Empathy and the Quest for Social Ethics
Their Relevance to Contemporary Healthcare. The European Perspective
Chapter 2. Conceptual Model of Professional Supervision Study Based on Data Mining
A Study in the Regional Council of Nutritionists of the 4-th Brazilian Region (Rio de Janeiro and Espirito Santo States)
Chapter 3. Building Bridges and Remediating Illiteracy
How Intergenerational Cooperation Foster Better Engineering Professionals
Chapter 4. Acoustic Contrast between Neutral and Angry Speech: Variation of Prosodic Features in Algerian Dialect Speech and German Speech
Part II. Medical Technologies Systems
Chapter 5. Artificial Intelligence and Its Application in Insulin Bolus Calculators
Chapter 6. Feature Extraction Based on Wavelet Transform for Classification of Stress Level
Chapter 7. Packet Synchronization in a Network Time Protocol Server and ASTM Elecsys Packets during Detection for Cancer with Optical DNA Biochip
Chapter 8. Particle Swarm Optimization with Tabu Search Algorithm (PSO-TS) Applied to Multiple Sequence Alignment Problem
Chapter 9. Extracted Haralick's Texture Features for Abnormal Blood Cells
Chapter 10. Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Internet of Medical Things: New Technologies in Detecting, Pre-venting and Controlling of Emergent Diseases
Chapter 11. The Role of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks in Intelligent Transport Systems for Healthcare
Chapter 12. The Vedic Design Carry Look Ahead (VD-CLA)
A Smart and Hardware Friendly Implementation of the FIR Filter for ECG Signal Denoising
Chapter 13. Implementation of an FPGA Real-Time Configurable System for Enhancement of Lung and Heart Images
Chapter 14. Adaptive Specular Reflection Detection in Cervigrams (ASRDC) Technique- A Computer-Aided Tool for Early Screening of Cervical Cancer
Chapter 15. Implementation of Image Encryption by Steganography Using Discrete Wavelet Transform in Verilog
Chapter 16. Non-Destructive Diagnosis and Analysis of Computed Microtomography Images via Texture Descriptors.

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