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Part I: On Knowledge as Virtue
1. Plato's Ion as an Ethical Performance; Toby Svobada
2. Foolhardly Yet Courageous: Is There Such a Thing as Quixotic Virtue?; Vicky Roupa
3. Knowing What Matters: The Epistemological and Ethical Challenge of Marilynne Robinson's Lila; Elisabet Dellming
Part II: On Our Relations to Each Other
4."But in a dream of Friendship": Shakespeare's Timon of Athens, The Gift, and the Moral Economy of Friendship; John Mischo
5. Kant and Frankenstein: On Purity, Contingency, and "Patchwork" Morality; Paul Firenze
6. Plights of Mind and Circumstance: Stanley Cavell and David Foster Wallace on Scepticism; Paul Jenner
Part III: Virtue and Vice in a Modern World
7. "The Devil's Territories": Nature, the Sublime, and Witchcraft in the Puritan Imagination and Robert Egger's The Witch; Miranda Corcoram and Adrea Di Carlo
8. The Ethics of Betrayal: Seduction and Initiation in Dangerous Liasons; Peter Paik
9. De Sade's Psychopath as Prototypical Man of Enlightenment; Manuel Carabantes
Part IV: Ethical Presuppositions, Reconsidered
10. "A kind of purity: Inanimacy, Disability, and Posthumanist Prefiguration in John Williams' Stoner; Jan Grue
11. The Curious Case of Normative Incomparability: Coetzee, Elizabeth Costello, and the Limits of Comparisons; Harmut von Sass
12. Improvisation within the Range of Implication: Cora Diamond, Henry James, and the Space of Moral Reflection; Garry L. Hagberg.

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