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Titles Published
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1 Western Communist Parties and the Crisis of International Communist Movement
1.1 The Internationalism of the Western Communist Parties in the 1960s
1.2 The PCI's Theoretical-Cultural Revision and New Forms of Social Conflict in Italy
1.3 Theoretical Debate or Political Clash?
1.4 The PCF and De-stalinization
1.5 L'Union Des étudiants Communistes
Debate and Normalization
1.6 The Intellectuals of the PCF: From Philosophy to Politics
1.7 The PCF's Aggiornamento

2 New Social Conflicts and the Crisis of Internationalism
2.1 The PCI and PCF on the Eve of 1968
2.2 The PCI and the Movement of 1968 in Italy
2.3 The PCF and the Movement of May-June 1968
2.4 The PCI and 1968 in France
2.5 The Prague Spring
2.6 "Advanced Democracy" and National Ways to Socialism
2.7 Dissidents
2.8 The Fall of Roger Garaudy
2.9 The End of Les Lettres Françaises and Democratie Nouvelle, the Birth of Politique Aujourd'hui
2.10 Luis Althusser and French Communism
2.11 The Case of Il Manifesto

3 The Arc of Eurocommunism and the Crisis of Communism in France
3.1 The New Relationship Between the PCI and PCF
3.1.1 Eurocommunism
3.2 Christine Buci-Gluksmann, Nicos Poulantzas, the Crisis of Marxism and the Problem of "Democratic Socialism"
3.3 The End of Communist Hegemony on the French Left-Wing
3.4 The Crisis of the PCF
4 The Cultural Disintegration and End of Italian Communism
4.1 Anti-totalitarian Ideology and the October Revolution: The Italian Communists in the Late 1970s
4.1.1 Berlinguer's "Turn"
4.2 An Increasingly Fragile Identity

4.2.1 After Berlinguer
4.3 The PCI, Gorbachev, and the End of the Cold War
4.4 1989
4.5 The End of Italian Communism

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