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Table of Contents
About the Author
About the Technical Reviewers
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Who is this book for?
1.2 Why ontologies?
1.3 Why Python?
1.4 Why Owlready?
1.5 Book outline
1.6 Summary
Chapter 2: The Python language: Adopt a snake!
2.1 Installing Python
2.2 Starting Python
2.3 Syntax
2.3.2 Writing on screen
2.3.3 Help
2.3.4 Variables
2.3.5 Indentation
2.4 Main datatypes
2.4.1 Integer (int) and floating-point numbers (float)
2.4.2 Booleans (bool)

2.4.3 Character strings (str)
2.4.4 Lists (list)
2.4.5 Tuples (tuple)
2.4.6 Dictionaries (dict and defaultdict)
2.4.7 Sets (set)
2.4.8 Files (open)
2.4.9 Conversion between datatypes
2.5 Conditions (if)
2.6 Loops (for)
2.7 Generators
2.8 Functions (def)
2.9 Classes (class)
2.9.1 Classes and instances
2.9.2 Inheritance
2.9.3 Special method names
2.9.4 Functions and operators for object-oriented programming
2.10 Python modules
2.10.1 Importing a module
2.10.2 Installing additional modules
2.11 Installing Owlready2

2.11.1 Installing Owlready2 from terminal
2.11.2 Installing Owlready2 from IDLE or Spyder (or any Python shell)
2.11.3 Manual installation of Owlready2
2.12 Summary
Chapter 3: OWL ontologies
3.1 An ontology... what does it look like?
3.2 Creating ontologies manually with the Protégé editor
3.3 Example: An ontology of bacteria
3.4 Creating a new ontology
3.4.1 Classes
3.4.2 Disjoints
3.4.3 Partitions
3.4.4 Data properties
3.4.5 Object properties
3.4.6 Restrictions
3.4.7 Union, intersection, and complement
3.4.8 Definitions (equivalent-to relations)

3.4.9 Individuals
3.4.10 Other constructs
3.5 Automatic reasoning
3.6 Modeling exercises
3.7 Summary
Chapter 4: Accessing ontologies in Python
4.1 Importing Owlready
4.2 Loading an ontology
4.3 Imported ontologies
4.4 Listing the content of the ontology
4.5 Accessing entities
4.5.1 Individuals
4.5.2 Relations
4.5.3 Classes
4.5.4 Existential restrictions
4.5.5 Properties
4.6 Searching for entities
4.7 Huge ontologies and disk cache
4.8 Namespaces
4.9 Modifying entity rendering as text
4.10 Local directory of ontologies

4.11 Reloading an ontology in the quadstore
4.12 Example: creating a dynamic website from an ontology
4.13 Summary
Chapter 5: Creating and modifying ontologies in Python
5.1 Creating an empty ontology
5.2 Creating classes
5.2.1 Creating classes dynamically
5.3 Creating properties
5.4 Creating individuals
5.5 Modifying entities: relations and existential restrictions
5.6 Creating entities within a namespace
5.7 Renaming entities (refactoring)
5.8 Multiple definitions and forward declarations
5.9 Destroying entities
5.10 Destroying an ontology

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