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List of Figures
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1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.1.1 OUSNs
1.1.2 Message Dissemination Problem in OUSNs
1.2 Research Focus
1.3 Organization of This Book
2 Literature Review
2.1 Message Dissemination in DTNs and MSNs
2.2 Message Dissemination in OUSNs
2.3 Some Related Issues
2.3.1 Mobility Prediction
2.3.2 Network Throughput Optimization
2.3.3 Markov Decision Process in Message Dissemination
2.4 Conclusions

4 Message Dissemination in OUSNs with GPS-Free Nodes
4.1 OUSN Model
4.1.1 Underwater Mobility Model
4.1.2 Distribution Uniformity of Message Holders
4.1.3 Problem Objectives
4.2 Three Metrics Affecting the Accidental Encounters Between Nodes
4.2.1 Dynamical Percolation Model
4.2.2 Movement Speed
4.2.3 Time Slot Sequence
4.2.4 Distribution Uniformity
4.3 Message Dissemination Algorithm Based on GPS-free Nodes
4.4 GDFA Analysis
4.4.1 Complexity
4.4.2 Heterogeneity of Communication Ranges
4.5 Simulation Results and Discussions

5.5.4 Comparisons with Other Algorithms
5.6 Conclusions
6 Freshness-Cost Ratio Optimization of Message Dissemination in OUSNs
6.1 Message Freshness and Problem Objectives
6.1.1 Message Freshness
6.1.2 Problem Objectives
6.2 Time-Inhomogeneous Ergodic Markov Chain for Message Dissemination
6.2.1 States Transitions Due to Node Movement
6.2.2 State Transitions Due to Message Dissemination
6.2.3 Time-Inhomogeneous Markov Chain
6.3 Message Dissemination Solutions
6.3.1 Markov Decision Process and Centralized Solution
6.3.2 Distributed Solution
6.4 MDM Analysis.

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