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Chapter 1
Digital methods and the evolution of the epistemology of social sciences (Enrica Amaturo, Biagio Aragona)
Chapter 2
Restricted Cumulative Correspondence Analysis (Pietro Amenta, Antonello D'Ambra, Luigi D'Ambra)
Chapter 3
Determining the importance of hotel services by using transitivity thresholds (Pietro Amenta, Antonio Lucadamo, Gabriella Marcarelli)
Chapter 4
Staging cancer through text mining of pathology records (Pietro Belloni, Giovanna Boccuzzo, Stefano Guzzinati, Irene Italiano, Carlo R. Rossi, Massimo Rugge, Manuel Zorzi)
Chapter 5
Predicting the risk of gambling activities in adolescence: a case study (Laura Benedan, Gianna Serafina Monti)
Chapter 6
Municipal managers in Italy: Skills, training requirements and related criti-cal aspects (Mario Bolzan, Giovanna Boccuzzo, Marco Marozzi)
Chapter 7 -Attitudes towards immigrant inclusion: a look at the spatial disparities across European countries (Riccardo Borgoni, Antonella Carcagni, Alessandra Michelangeli, Federica Zaccagnini)
Chapter 8
A bibliometric study of the global research activity in sustainability and its dimensions ( Rosanna Cataldo, Maria Gabriella Grassia, Carlo Natale Lauro, Marina Marino, Viktoriya Voytsekhovska)
Chapter 9 -Big Data Marketing: A Strategic Alliance (Federica Codignola)
Chapter 10 -Data processing in a Healthcare National System (with the analysis of the Italian HNS) (Manlio d'Agostino Panebianco, Anna Capoluongo)
Chapter 11
Smart Tourism System in Calabria (Annarita De Maio, Daniele Ferone, Elisabetta Fersini, Enza Messina, Francesco Santoro, Antonio Violi)
Chapter 12
Spatial Localization of Visitors Mobile Phones in a Sardinian Destinations' Network (Anna Maria Fiori, Ilaria Foroni)
Chapter 13
The role of Open Data in healthcare research (Carlotta Galeone, Rossella Bonzi, Paolo Mariani)
Chapter 14 -Social epidemiology: the challenges and opportunities of worldwide data consortia ( Carlotta Galeone, Rossella Bonzi, Federica Turati, Claudio Pelucchi, Matteo Rota, Carlo La Vecchia)
Chapter 15 -Identification of Opinion Makers on Twitter ( Svitlana Galeshchuk, Ju Qiu)
Chapter 16
Modelling Human Intelligence using Mixed Model Approach ( Thanigaivasan Gokul, Mamandur Rangasamy Srinivasan, Michele Gallo)
Chapter 17
An analysis of the impact of requirements on wages within sectors of the tourism industry ( Paolo Mariani, Andrea Marletta, Lucio Masserini, Mariangela Zenga)
Chapter 18
Big Data and Economic Analysis: the Challenge of a Harmonised Database (Caterina Marini, Vittorio Nicolardi)
Chapter 19 -ROC Curve in GAMLSS as prediction tool for Big Data (Andrea Marletta)
Chapter 20
Social media in disasters. Big data issues in public communication field (Francesco Marrazzo, Gabriella Punziano)
Chapter 21
Divorce in Italy: a textual analysis of cassation judgment ( Rocco Mazza, Rosanna Cataldo, Maria Gabriella Grassia, Marina Marino, Vincenzo Pastena, Emma Zavarrone)
Chapter 22
A Bayesian mixture model for ecotoxicological risk assessment ( Sonia Migliorati, Gianna Serafina Monti)
Chapter 23
Virtual Encounter Simulations: A New Methodology For Generating Conflict Data (Georg P. Mueller)
Chapter 24
Is Public Service Motivation-Performance relationship mediated by other factors? ( Raffaela Palma, Anna Crisci, Luigi D'Ambra)
Chapter 25
A Classification Algorithm to Recognize Fake News Websites ( Giuseppe Pernagallo, Benedetto Torrisi, Davide Bennato)
Chapter 26
A comparative analysis of the university student mobility flows among European countries (Marialuisa Restaino, Ilaria Primerano, Maria Prosperina Vitale)
Chapter 27
A Preference Index Design for Big Data ( Venera Tomaselli, Giulio Giacomo Cantone)
Chapter 28
Construction of an immigrant integration composite indicator through the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Model K-Means (Venera Tomaselli, Mario Fordellone, Maurizio Vichi)
Chapter 29
Facebook debate on Sea Watch 3 case: detecting offensive language through Automatic Topic Mining Techniques ( Alice Tontodimamma, Emiliano del Gobbo, Vanessa Russo, Annalina Sarra, Lara Fontanella)
Chapter 30
Martini's index and Total Factor Productivity calculation( Biancamaria Zavanella, Daniele Pirotta).

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