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1. Introductory Remarks
2. Carl August von Eschenmayer and the Somnambulic Soul
3. Priest-doctors and Magnetisers: Mesmerism, Romantic Medicine, and Catholic Thought in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century
4. Animal Magnetism and Its Psychological Implications in Hungary
5. From Fluidum to Prana: Reading Mesmerism through Orientalist Lenses
6. Total Recall: The Panoramic Life Review near Death as Proof of the Souls Timeless Self-Presence in Western Esotericism of the Nineteenth Century
7. Stages in the Development of an Occult Linguistics
8. The Art of Esoteric Posthumousness
9. Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie and Sexual Regeneration
10. The Theosophical Maitreya: On Benjamin Cremes Millenarianism
11. Martial Arts Spirituality in Sweden: The Occult Connection
12. A Study into a Transreligious Quest for the Ultimate Truth: Indian, Muslim, and European Interpretations of the Upanishads
13. Occults First Foot Soldier in Bengal: Peary Chand Mittra and the Early Theosophical Movement
14. Re-Imagining an Ancient Greek Philosopher: The Pythagorean Musings of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho)
15. African and Amerindian Spirits: A Note on the Influence of Nineteenth Century Spiritism and Spiritualism on Afro- and African-American Religions
16. Sri Sabhapati Swami: The Forgotten Yogi of Western Esotericism
17. Tracing Vivekanandas Prana and Akasa: The Yogavasistha and Rama Prasads Occult Science of Breath
18. Guru and Messiah: On the First Yoga Handbook in Polish Language: Wincenty LutosawskisThe Development of the Power of Will by Means of Psychophysical Exercises (1909).

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