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Notes on Contributors
1 Introduction: The 2019-2020 Term at the Supreme Court
Statutory Interpretation (LGBT Rights, Native Rights, Public Fraud, Immigration)
Precedent and Reliance Interests (Immigration, Unanimous Juries, Abortion Regulation)
Criminal Prosecution and the Rights of Defendants (Unanimous Juries, Public Fraud, Insanity Defense)
Social Facts and Federalism (Kahler, Ramos, June Medical, Bostock)
Citizenship (DACA, McGirt, Hernández)
Elections (Chiafalo on "Faithless Electors")

Separation of Powers and the Rivalry Between the Congress and the Presidency
Religious Liberty (Espinoza, Lady of Guadalupe, and Little Sisters)
Guns (New York Rifle & Pistol)
Conclusion: Ideology and the Major Trends of the Year
2 Bostock v. Clayton County on LGBT Employment Discrimination
The Three Lawsuits
Title VII and Sex Discrimination
Title VII, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity
The Bostock Case
Justice Alito's dissent
Looking Ahead
3 Chiafalo v. Washington on Faithless Electors
History and Purpose of the Electoral College

The Constitutional Arguments
The Unanimous Ruling
Looking Ahead
4 Department of Homeland Security v. University of California on DACA
The Constitutional and Procedural Flaws with the DACA Program
The Supreme Court's DACA Ruling
The End Result
5 Espinoza, Lady of Guadalupe, and Little Sisters of the Poor on Religious Liberty
Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue
Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru
Little Sisters of the Poor Saints Peter and Paul Home v. Pennsylvania
Future Implications

6 Hernández v. Mesa on Rights and Restitution for Victims of Excessive Force at the Border
The Constitutional Questions and Broader Political Meaning
The Majority Opinion
The Concurring Opinion
The Dissenting Opinion
7 June Medical Services v. Russo on State Regulation of Abortion Clinics
The Law and Politics of Abortion
Briefs and Oral Argument
The Dissents
The Future
8 Kahler v. Kansas on the Insanity Defense
Constitutional Law
Legal History
Lunatics and the Mentally Ill in Ancient Law and Contemporary Medicine

9 Kelly v. US on Public Fraud and the Bridgegate Controversy
The Scandal
The Trial and Appeal to the Third Circuit
Kelly at the Court
10 McGirt v. Oklahoma on Native Rights
Reservations, Please
Historical Background
The Majority Opinion
The Dissenters
11 New York State Rifle & Pistol v. City of New York on Gun Regulation
"The Passive Virtues"
The Court Decides
Justice Kavanaugh's Promise
Alito Leads the Charge for Pro-Gun Justices
Conservative Judicial Activism and the Future of Gun Rights

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