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Chapter 1: Introduction: Peacebuildings Predicament: A Dark Mood among the Experts.-PART I: Why Peacebuilding Appears Moribund
Chapter 2: Peacebuildings Origins and History
Chapter 3: Revisiting the Local Turn in Peacebuilding
Chapter 4: Domestic Religion: Why Interreligious Dialogue in Kenya Conserves Rather than Disrupts Power
PART II: How Peacebuilding Takes Shape in the Margins
Chapter 5: The Missing Link in Hybrid Peacebuilding: Localized Peace Trajectories and Endogenous Knowledge
Chapter 6: Old and New Peace in El Salvador. How Peace Strategies Emerge, Disappear, and Transform
Chapter 7: Land and Peacebuilding: The Case of the Peacebuilding Process in Colombia through the Peasant Reserve Zones
Chapter 8: Peacebuilding and Resistance: Inequality, Empowerment, Refusal
PART III: Can Peacebuilding Be Recreated at the Centre?
Chapter 9: Achieving a Feminist Peace by Blurring Boundaries between Private and Public
Chapter 10: The Fraught Development of an International Peace Architecture.

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