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Learning 3DMM Deformation Coefficients for Action Unit Detection
Smart Security and Surveillance System in Laboratories Using Machine Learning
Deep Neural Networks with Multi-Class SVM for Recognition of Cross-Spectral Iris Images
Gaze Fusion-Deep Neural Network Model for Glaucoma Detection
Emotion Recognition from Facial Expressions Using Siamese Network
Activity Modeling of Individuals in Domestic Households Using Fuzzy Logic
Stock Price Prediction Using Machine Learning and LSTM-Based Deep Learning Models
An Improved Salp Swarm Algorithm Based on Adaptive β-Hill Climbing for Stock Market Prediction
Data Driven Methods for Finding Pattern Anomalies in Food Safety
Exam Seating Allocation to Prevent Malpractice Using Genetic Multi-Optimization Algorithm
Big Data: Does BIG Matter for Your Business?
Modelling Energy Consumption of Domestic Households via Supervised and Unsupervised Learning: A Case Study
Machine Learning and Soft Computing Techniques for Combustion System Diagnostics and Monitoring: A Survey
Traffic Sign Classification Using ODENet
Analysis of UNSW-NB15 Dataset Using Machine Learning Classifiers
Concept Drift Detection in Phishing Using Autoencoders
Detection of Obfuscated Mobile Malware with Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models
CybSecMLC: A Comparative Analysis on Cyber Security Intrusion Detection Using Machine Learning Classifiers.

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