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Impact of large ground deformations near seismic faults on critically important civil-infrastructures, Recent earthquakes that hit areas covered and/or underlain by pyroclastic matters and their impacts on lifelines
Landslides in recent earthquakes and damage to lifelines
Lessons Learned
Landslide Induced Lifelines Disasters from Past Earthquakes
Lessons from recent geo-disasters in Hokkaido under earthquake
Relation between horizontal direction of crustal deformation surveyed on the control points and area ratio of the slope failures triggered by the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake (Mj7.3)
Seismic response of buried pipeline to strong ground motion of strike-slip fault
Reconstruction Strategies for Mw 7.8 Earthquake-induced Landslide-affected Settlements in Nepal
State of nuclear power plant risk assessment for ground deformation with seismic faulting
Relationship between Arias intensity and the earthquake-induced displacements of slopes
Recent Progress in the Landslide Initiating Science, Water exfiltration from bedrock: an effective landslide triggering mechanism
Controls on landslide size: insights from field survey data
Mechanism of slope disaster caused by extreme rain-fall in Izu Oshima Island, Japan, and future safety judgement
Lessons from recent geo-disasters in Hokkaido under heavy rainfall
Lessons from Geo-disasters caused by heavy rainfall in recent years in Kyushu Island, Japan
An empirical method for estimating debris-flow volume in the Wenchuan earthquake area, Sichuan Province, China
Investigation of internal erosion of wide grading loose soil
a micromechanics-based study
Formation Mechanism and Stability of The Instable Block Formed in Xinmo Landsilde
Landslide Field Experiment on a Natural Slope in Futtsu City, Chiba Prefecture
Mechanism of landslide initiation in small-scale sandy slope triggered by an artificial rain
Experimental study on formation and propagation of debris flow triggered by the glacial lake outburst flood
Quantitative analysis of landslide processes based on seismic signals
a new method for monitoring and early warning of landslide hazards
Earth Observation and Machine Learning, High-resolution point-cloud for Landslides in the 21st Century: from data acquisition to new processing concepts
Detecting change of patterns in landslide displacements using machine learning, an example application
Predicting rainfall induced slope stability using Random Forest regression and synthetic data
Automatized dissemination of landslide monitoring bulletins for early warning applications
General Landslide Studies, Engineering geological appreciation in landslide mapping for a natural gas pipeline project: challenges and risk reduction measures
Loess Stratigraphy and Loess Landslides in the Chinese Loess Plateau
The Jettan Rockslide- an engineering geological overview
Mapping, hazard and consequence analyses for unstable rock slopes in Norway
Landscape development and large rock slope instabilities in Manndalen, northern Norway
Disaster Risk Assessment of the Silk Road
Analysis of the Characteristics of Glacial Debris Flow Activity in Parlung Tsangpo Basin, Tibet
Rehabilitation of gully-dominant hill slopes by using low-cost measures-a case study in Nepal
Site Suitability Analysis for Nature-based Landslide Risk Mitigation
Study on the Application of Nature Based Landslide Mitigation in Sri Lanka
Slope stability around the northern part of the Tegucigalpa Basin, Honduras: A case of landslide process at residential development areas
Classification of Cryogenic Landslides and Related Phenomena (by Example of the Territory of Russia)
Cutting-edge technologies aiming for better outcomes of landslide disaster mitigation.

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