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Part I Personal Contributions
The Worlds of George Andrews, a Daughters Take
My Association and Collaboration with George Andrews
Ramanujan, His Lost Notebook, Its Importance
Part II Photographs
George Andrews: Combinatory Analysis 80 Picture Book
Part III Articles
Dissections of Strange q-Series
Dysons Favorite Identity and Chebyshev Polynomials of the Third and Fourth Kind
A q-Translation Approach to Lius Calculus
Combinations of Ranks and Cranks of Partitions Moduli 6, 9 and 12 and Their Comparison with the Partition Function
Combinatorial Proofs of Two Euler-Type Identities Due to Andrews
Noncommutative Catalan Numbers
Elementary Polynomial Identities Involving q-Trinomial Coefficients
A Partial Theta Function Borwein Conjecture
A Note on Andrews Partitions with Parts Separated by Parity
A Bijective Proof of a False Theta Function Identity from Ramanujans Lost Notebook
Quasipolynomials and Maximal Coefficients of Gaussian Polynomials
Finding Modular Functions for Ramanujan-Type Identities
Partitions into Distinct Parts Modulo Powers of 5
The A2 RogersRamanujan Identities Revisited
Properties of Multivariate b-Ary Stern Polynomials
A Simple Proof of a Congruence for a Series Involving the Little q-Jacobi Polynomials
D.H. Lehmers Tridiagonal Determinant: An Etude in (Andrews-Inspired) Experimental Mathematics
Gaussian Binomial Coefficients with Negative Arguments
A Lecture Hall Theorem for m-Falling Partitions
New Fifth and Seventh Order Mock Theta Function Identities
On Pattern-Avoiding Fishburn Permutations
A q-Analogue for Eulers
A Variant of IdentityFinder and Some New Identities of RogersRamanujanMacMahon Type
AndrewsGordon Type Series for KanadeRussell Conjectures
A Generalization of Schroters Formula
A Truncated Theta Identity of Gauss and Overpartitions into Odd Parts
Combinatory Classes of Compositions with Higher Order Conjugation
Marking and Shifting a Part in Partitions
On Wittens Extremal Partition Functions
A Proof of the Weierstra Gap Theorem not Using the RiemannRoch Formula
RichaudDegert Real Quadratic Fields and Maass Waveforms
Sequentially Congruent Partitions and Related Bijections
Singular Overpartitions and Partitions with Prescribed Hook Differences
The Combinatorics of MacMahons Partial Fractions
Twin Composites, Strange Continued Fractions, and a Transformation that Euler Missed (Twice)
On the AndrewsYee Identities Associated with Mock Theta Functions
Congruences for q-Binomial Coefficients
The Final Problem: A Series Identity from the Lost Notebook
A Family of Identities That Yields aWide Variety of Partition Theorem.

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