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The Current State of Transgender Care
Decision-Making Challenges For Patients and Surgeons Regarding Genital Gender Affirming Surgery
Endocrinological Care for Patients Undergoing Gender Affirmation (including Risk of Thromboembolic Events)
Preoperative Preparation and Perioperative Considerations for Gender-affirming Genital Surgery
Surgical Anatomy: Orchiectomy and Fertility Preservation Options
Surgical Anatomy: Vaginoplasty
Complications of Vaginoplasty
Surgical Anatomy
Hysterectomy and Vaginectomy: Hysterectomy for the Transgender Man
Surgical Anatomy: Metoidioplasty
Surgical Anatomy: Phalloplasty
Management of Urologic Complications Following Metoidioplasty and Phalloplasty
Prosthetics (Erectile Implant, Testicular Implants)
General Urological and Endourological Considerations in the Care for Transgender Patients (Catheters, Scopes, Haematuria, UTI, Stones, Surgical Positioning)
Care of the Transgender Patient: Oncological Concerns
Care of the Transgender Patient: Incontinence
The Role of Physical Therapy in the Care of the Transgender Patient
Regrets in Transgender Female: Reversal Phalloplasty
Robotic Applications in Gender Confirming Genital Surgery
Brief History of Gender Affirmation Medicine and Surgery.

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