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Invited Papers
Algorithms that Access the Input via Queries
Towards Knowledge Exchange: State-of-the-Art and Open Problems
Invited Talk: Resilient Distributed Algorithms
Towards Minimally Conscious Finite-State Controlled Cyber-Physical Systems
A Manifesto
Reconstructing Phylogenetic Networks from Sequences: Where we Stand and What to do Next
Foundations of Computer Science
Full Papers
Amnesiac Flooding: Synchronous Stateless Information Dissemination
Asymptotic Approximation by Regular Languages
Balanced Independent and Dominating Sets on Colored Interval Graphs
Bike Assisted Evacuation on a Line
Blocksequences of k-local Words
Complexity of limit-cycle problems in Boolean networks
Concatenation Operations and Restricted Variants of Two-Dimensional Automata
Distance Hedonic Games
Distributed Independent Set in Interval and Segment Intersection Graphs
Hierarchical b-Matching
Improved algorithms for online load balancing
Iterated Uniform Finite-State Transducers on Unary Languages
New bounds on the half-duplex communication complexity
Novel Results on the Number of Runs of the Burrows-Wheeler-Transform
On the Redundancy of D-ary Fano Codes
On the Terminal Connection Problem
Parameterized Complexity of d-Hitting Set with Quotas
Parameterizing Role Coloring on Forests
The Balanced Satisfactory Partition Problem
The Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem on Spiders
Tightness of Sensitivity and Proximity Bounds for Integer Linear Programs
Using the Metro-Map Metaphor for Drawing Hypergraphs
Weighted Microscopic Image Reconstruction
Foundations of Computer Science
Short Papers
A Normal Sequence Compressed by PPM* but not by Lempel-Ziv 78
Clusters of repetition roots: single chains
Drawing Two Posets
Fair Division is Hard even for Amicable Agents
The Complexity of Flow Expansion and Electrical Flow Expansion
Foundations of Software Engineering
Full papers
An Infrastructure for Platform-Independent Experimentation of Software Changes
Using Process Models to understand Security Standards
Web Test Automation: Insights from the Grey Literature
Foundations of Data Science and Engineering
Full Papers
A Pipeline for Measuring Brand Loyalty through Social Media Mining
Predicting Tennis Match Outcomes With Network Analysis and Machine Learning
Role-Based Access Control on Graph Databases
Semi-Automatic Column Type Inference for CSV Table Understanding
Foundations of Data Science and Engineering
Short papers
Metadata Management on Data Processing in Data Lakes
S2CFT: A new approach for paper submission recommendation
Foundations of Algorithmic Computational Biology
Full Papers
Adding Matrix Control: Insertion-Deletion Systems With Substitutions III
Sorting by Multi-Cut Rearrangements
Graphs cannot be indexed in polynomial time for sub-quadratic time string matching, unless SETH fails.

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