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Invited Papers
On Network Topologies and the Decidability of Reachability Problem
Hide Me: Enabling Location Privacy in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks
Blockchains and the Commons
Regular Papers
On the State Reachability Problem for Concurrent Programs under Power
On the Encoding and Solving of Partial Information Games
Efficient Concurrent Execution of Smart Contracts in Blockchains using Object-based Transactional Memory
Exploring IoT Trickle-based Dissemination using Timed Model-checking and Symbolic Execution
Broadcasting Information in Multi-hop Networks prone to Mobile Byzantine Faults
Infinite Grid Exploration by Disoriented Robots
Wireless Broadcast with short labels
The Imitation Game: Algorithm Selection by Exploiting Black-Box Recommenders
Byzantine k-Set Agreement
Fissile Locks
Verifying Safety of Parameterized Heard-Of Algorithms
Staleness and Local Progress in Transactional Memory
Generic Framework for Optimization of Local Dissemination in Wireless Networks
Verifying Weakly Consistent Transactional Programs using Symbolic Execution
NetSheriff: Sheltering Software-Defined Networks from Rogue Switches
Self-stabilizing Uniform Reliable Broadcast
Fully Anonymous Consensus and Set Agreement Algorithms
Cutoffs for symmetric point-to-point distributed algorithms
Short Papers
Stateless Distributed Ledgers
Stability Under Adversarial Injection of Dependent Tasks
Collaborative filtering: comparative study between Matrix Factorization and Neural Network method
Routing in Generalized Geometric Inhomogeneous Random Graphs (Extended Abstract).

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