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1. Introduction
2. Ashleen Menchaca-Bagnulo, Rome and the Education of Mercy in Augustines City of God
3. Michelle Kundmueller and Jeremy Castle, When a Law is No Law At All: Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Use of Augustine and Aquinas in the Battle Against Segregation
4. Jonathan Price and Bede Mullens, O.P., Augustines Inner Self and Identity Politics
5. Veronica Roberts Ogle, Cultus Hominum: Political Reflections on Augustines Theological Anthropology
6. Greg Forster, In Rome but Not of It: Augustine between Eusebius and Donatus
7. Wei Hua, Augustine, Political Obedience and Chinese House Churches
8. Gladden Pappin, Augustine and Gallicanism
9. Edmund Waldstein, O. Cist, Spiritual Ends and Temporal Power: An Integralist Reading of The City of God
10. Paul Miller, Augustinian Liberalism
11. Kody Cooper, Existential Humility and the Critique of Civil Religion in Augustines Political Theology
12. Peter Busch, Augustines Call to Citizenship
13. Mary Keys, Elitism and Secularism, Old and New: Augustine on Humility, Pride, and Philosophy in The City of God VIII-X
14. Paul Weithman, Pride in a Time of Crisis
15. Michael Lamb, Augustine and Contemporary Political Theory: Toward an Augustinian Republicanism
16. Boleslaw Z. Kabala and Caleb Morefield, Speech and Silence: Republican Toleration in Augustine
17. Elzbieta Cizewska-Martynska, Augustine and Polish Republicans on the Fragility of Liberty: Questions for Today
18. Matthew Hallgarth, Augustine's Principled Realism
19. Douglas Kries, Augustine and the Flexibility of True Justice
20. Eric Gregory, Beyond Critique: Just War as Theological Political Theology
21. Nathan Pinkoski, Love, but Be Careful What You Love BArendts Augustinian Fragments on Thinking
22. Daniel Strand, Augustines Privation, Arendts Banality
23. Conclusions.

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