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1. Diabetes: An approach from the Social Psychology of Health
2. How do attachment style, optimism, resilience, and self-efficacy impact stress and its control in patients with diabetes?
3. Effects of loneliness, rumination, and stress on healthy behaviors of people with diabetes based on their ability to receive support and self-confidence
4. The importance of social support and the ability to receive it in the subjective well-being and quality of life of the diabetic patient
5. Altruism, uncontrollability and affectivity in the physical health of diabetes patients partners
6. The emotional life of the patient with diabetess partner
7. Negative emotions and conflict in the diabetic couple
8. Relationship between Communication styles and marital satisfaction in the couple with diabetes
9. Emotional warmth and empathy in the satisfaction with the relationship of couples with diabetes
10. Diabetes and Couple Relationships: A Ray of Light.

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