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Part I: Introduction
Chapter 1. India and the European Union A Growing Responsibility to Cooperate in a Changing World (Gisela Muller-Brandeck-Bocquet)
Chapter 2. Europes Strategic Autonomy and the Partnership Approach. An Essay (Giovanni Grevi)
Part II: Conceptual Approaches to EU-India Relations
Chapter 3. Norm Contestation in EU Strategic Partnerships: The Cases of Civil Society Involvement and Climate Justice in EU-India Relations (Timo Lowinger)
Chapter 4. What Strategies can do for Strategic Partnerships: Lessons from the EUs Strategy on India (Henrik Chetan Aspengren)
Chapter 5. Putting the Partnership DNA to the Test. Partnerships in the EU Global Strategy and the Consequences for India (Manuel Pietzko)
Part III: Dimensions of the Strategic Partnership
Chapter 6. A Partnership between Two Large Elephants? Opportunities and Challenges in India-EU Relations (Pascaline Winand)
Chapter 7. The European Union-India Strategic Partnership: An Examination of the Economic Aspects (Sangeeta Khorana)
Chapter 8. Determinants and Impediments of the EU-India Bilateral Trade and Investment Agreement: The Proof of this Old Pudding is in the Eating (Nicolas Kohler-Suzuki)
Chapter 9. Low Carbon Development: An Idea whose Time has Come
Unlocking Climate Cooperation Between India and the EU (Kirsten Jorgensen)
Chapter 10. Indias Climate Diplomacy towards the EU: From Copenhagen to Paris and Beyond (Dhanasree Jayaram)
Chapter 11. India and the EUs Approach to Development Cooperation: Talking the Talk or Walking the Walk? (Siddharth Tripathi)
Part IV: Future Cooperation and Global Potentials
Chapter 12. From Destroyer to Preserver? The Evolution of Indias Position towards the Liberal International Order and its Significance for the EU-India Strategic Partnership (Patryk Kugiel)
Chapter 13. Multilateralism and Changing Global Order: Prospects for India-EU Cooperation (Manasi Singh)
Chapter 14. Between Competition and Cooperation: The EU Global Strategy as Means to Reinvigorate EU-Indian Cooperation? (Neil Winn)
Part V: Policy Recommendations: How to Move Forward?
Chapter 15. Global Trends to 2030: European Perspective of Challenges and Choices for the EU-India Strategic Partnership (Stefania Benaglia)
Chapter 16. Perception of the EU in India: A Europe House is missing in European Public Diplomacy (Patryk Kugiel)
Chapter 17. The EU Should! India Needs! : Parapublic Underpinnings to Realise Global IR in Policy Analysis of EU-India Relations (Timo Lowinger)
Chapter 18. India and the European Union A Partnership for Joining Forces on the Global Scene. Concluding Remarks and Outlook (Ummu Salma Bava).

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