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Introduction / Silvia Kunitz, Numa Markee, and Olcay Sert
Section 1: CA research in L2 classrooms
The intersubjective objectivity of learnables: Theoretical underpinnings of praxeological and dialogical research on opportunities for learning in teacher-student interactivities / Ali Reza Majlesi
Let me help you: Learning to do and correct public writing in the L2 classroom / Sren W. Eskildsen
The Triadic Ecology of Correcting Spellings in Computer-Assisted Collaborative Writing / Nigel Musk
Teachers Instruction Sequences in Italian as a Foreign Language Classes: An Ethnomethodological Conversation Analytic Perspective / Numa Markee and Silvia Kunitz
Section 2: CA research in content-based language classrooms
Facework and collaborative learning in primary school CLIL classrooms: A multimodal conversation analysis approach to peer interaction / Natalia Evnitskaya
Multimodal perspective into teachers definition practices: Comparing subject-specific language in physics and history lessons / Leila Kaanta
Teaching target knowledge through interaction in EFL content courses: Tracing sequences of teaching actions / Yo-An Lee
Section 3: CA research and teacher training
Transforming CA findings into future L2 teaching practices: Challenges and prospects / Olcay Sert
Harnessing the power of heteroglossia in teacher talk / Hansun Zhang Waring
What do you think about this?: Eliciting reflection or prelude to negative assessment? / Younhee Kim and Rita Elaine Silver
Section 4: CA and assessment
A micro-analytic investigation into a practice of informal formative assessment in L2 classroom interaction / Nilufer Can Daskn
Firm ground: Conceptualizing and assessing interactional learning targets in second language classrooms / Thorsten Huth
CA-informed testing: An exploratory intersection of norms / F. Scott Walters
Conclusions: Two views on the pedagogical applicability of CA findings
Concluding chapter 1 / Junko Mori
Concluding chapter 2 / Simona Pekarek Doehler.

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