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Section I: Introduction to vitreoretinal surgery
History of vitreoretinal surgery
Vitreoretinal surgery self-education
Section II: Surgical anatomy and imaging in vitreoretinal surgery
Surgical anatomy in vitreoretinal surgery
Investigation aiding in vitreoretinal surgery: Optical coherence tomography, intraoperative OCT, ultrasound B scan
Anesthesia in vitreoretinal surgery
Section III: Surgical technology in vitreoretinal surgery
Wide angle viewing system in vitreoretinal surgery
Illumination system in vitreoretinal surgery
Vitreoretinal instruments
Small guage sutureless vitrectomy
Bimanual vitrectomy
Endoscopic vitrectomy
3D viewing system in vitreoretinal surgery
Robotics in vitreoretinal surgery
Internal tamponading agents in vitreoretinal surgery
Section IV: Retinal detachment: surgical techniques
Scleral buckling
Pneumatic retinopexy
Primary vitrectomy
Principles in management of proliferative vitreoretinopathy
Surgical management of giant retinal tear
Surgical management of retinal dialysis
Surgical management of coloboma with retinal detachment
Myopic macular hole with retinal detachment: macular buckle and vitrectomy
Section V: Diabetic retinopathy
Surgical management of high risk proliferative diabetic retinopathy: vitreous hemorrhage and tractional retinal detachment
Surgery for diabetic macular edema.-Section VI: Macular surgery
Surgical techniques of macular hole repair
Management of epiretinal membrane and vitreomacular traction
Management of submacular hemorrhage
Management of foveoschisis
Section VII: Gene therapy
Gene therapy for inherited retinal disorders
Section VIII: Ocular trauma
Primary management of open globe injuries: vitreoretinal surgeons perspective
Surgical management of posterior segment complications of ocular trauma
Surgical techniques of intraocular foreign body removal
Section IX: Endophthalmitis
Vitrectomy in endophthalmitis
Section X: Complications in vitreoretinal surgery
Complications of vitreoretinal surgery and their management
Section XI: Others
Surgical management of retinopathy of prematurity
Management of Coats disease
Management of Eales disease
Vitrectomy in uveitis
Viral retinitis related retinal detachment
Management of retinal detachment associated with optic disc pit
Surgical management of parasitic retinal disorders
Management for dropped or posteriorly dislocated nucleus and intraocular lens
Management of suprachoroidal hemorrhage
Management of complications associated with keratoprosthesis
Phacovitrectomy: combining phacoemulsification with vitrectomy.

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