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Part I: Introduction
1 `Under Pressure ́
1.1 Two Dimensions of Case Overload
1.2 Various Solutions
1.3 Content
2 Romanic Legal Tradition
2.1 France
2.2 Italy
2.3 Spain
3 Germanic Legal Tradition
3.1 Germany
3.2 Austria
3.3 Croatia
4 Anglo-American Legal Tradition
4.1 England and Wales
4.2 United States of America
4.3 Argentina
Part II: Romanic Legal Tradition
Towards a Reform of the French Court of Cassation?
1 The French Court of Cassation in Its Context

2 On-Going Reform
3 Conclusion
Finding a Cure or Simply Relieving Symptoms? The Case of the Italian Supreme Court
1 The Italian Supreme Court and Its Performance
2 One Court and Two Different Functions
3 Overburdened Docket: Consequences, Internal Solutions ...
4 and External Interventions: The 2009 and 2016 Legislative Reforms
5 Effectiveness of the Solution
6 `Tips ́from the Outside
7 Conclusion
Back in Focus: Case Overload and Case Selection Standards in the Spanish Supreme Court
1 Overview of the History of the Supreme Court

1.1 The Constitution of Cdiz (1812)
1.2 The Establishment of Cassation Appeal (1838)
1.3 The Definitive Shape of Spanish Cassation (1855-1881)
1.4 The Passing of the Crown (1978)
1.5 A Monetary Threshold (1984-1992)
1.6 `Cassational Interest ́As the Central Standard (2000)
1.7 A Constitutional Certiorari (2007)
1.8 Legal and Statistical Overview
1.9 Almost a Revolution (2014)
1.10 Towards a New Stability?
2 Particular Aspects
2.1 Composition of the Supreme Court and the Cassation Procedure
2.2 Case Overload Problems
2.3 Case Overload Solutions

2.3.1 Increasing Capacity
2.3.2 Procedural Measures
2.3.3 Reducing Quantity
3 Conclusion
Part III: Germanic Legal Tradition
Sharing Responsibility: The German Federal Court of Justice and the Civil Appellate System
1 Overview of the Supreme Court
1.1 The Historical Setting
1.2 The Structure of the Federal Supreme Court
1.2.1 Internal Organisation
1.2.2 Special Bar of Lawyers
1.2.3 Other Federal Supreme Courts
1.2.4 The Federal Constitutional Court
1.3 The Procedural Setting
1.3.1 The Court System in Civil Matters
1.3.2 The Types of Appeal

Appeal (Berufung)
Appeal on Points of Law (Revision)
Complaint (Beschwerde) and Complaint on Points of Law (Rechtsbeschwerde)
1.3.3 Restricting Access to the Bundesgerichtshof
The System as It Was Before 2002
Leave to Appeal
Striking Out Revisions
1.3.4 Grounds for Appeal (Revisionsgründe)
Violation of the Law
Factual Basis
1.3.5 A Successful Appeal on Points of Law
1.4 Workflow: Case Management
1.4.1 Preliminary Selection of Cases
1.4.2 Inferior Judges/Law Clerks
1.4.3 Writing the Judgment
1.5 Caseload
1.5.1 Intake
1.5.2 Judgment on the Merits

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