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Ch 1: Binaural Processing of Sounds
Ch 2: Localization and Lateralization of Sound
Ch 3: Sound Source Localization Is a Multisystem Process
Ch 4: Anatomy and Physiology of the Avian Binaural System
Ch 5: Binaural Hearing by the Mammalian Auditory Brainstem: Joint Coding of Interaural Level and Time Differences by the Lateral Superior Olive
Ch 6: Binaural Hearing with Temporally Complex Signals
Ch 7: Binaural Hearing and Across-Channel Processing
Ch 8: Binaural Unmasking and Spatial Release from Masking
Ch 9: Spatial Hearing in Rooms and Effects of Reverberation
Ch 10: Computational Models of Binaural Processing
Ch 11: Clinical Ramifications of the Effects of Hearing Impairment and Aging on Spatial and Binaural Hearing
Ch 12: Physiology of Higher Central Auditory Processing and Plasticity
Ch 13: Binaural Hearing with Devices.

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