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Part I Electrical Energy Systems
Production and Demand Management
1 Demand Side Management
1.1 Demand Side Management and Demand Response
1.2 Direct Load Control vs. Indirect Load Control
1.3 Demand Side Management in Different Time Horizons (Short to Long Term)
1.4 Integrated Demand Side Management
1.5 Challenges and Requirements for Demand Side Management and Demand Response in Optimization
2 Energy Generation Capacity Expansion Planning (GEP)
2.1 Optimization Methods

3 Network Expansion Planing (NEP) and Co-optimized GEP and NEP
4 Tactical Problems
5 Unit Commitment (UC)
6 Unit Commitment Under Uncertainty
6.1 Stochastic UC
6.2 Robust UC
6.3 Interval UC
7 Long-Term Unit Commitment
8 Balancing Markets and Non-programmable (Renewable) Power Coordination
Network and Storage
1 Networks and Storage: An Introduction
1.1 The Physical Reality
1.2 Models of Electric Power
1.3 Approximations
1.4 Looking Beyond
2 An Overview of Network-Constrained Optimization Problems
3 Problems of Network Expansion Planning

4 Transmission Network Expansion Planning (TNEP)
5 Distribution Network Expansion Planning (DNEP)
6 Energy Storage System (EES) Siting and Sizing
7 Optimal Power Flow (OPF)
8 Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow (OPF)
9 Optimal Transmission Switching (OTS)
10 Optimal Network Islanding and Restoration
11 Operations of Smart Grids
12 Energy Storage Operations Management
12.1 Storage Systems
12.2 Technology
12.3 Benefits
12.4 Models
1 Strategic Maintenance
2 Transmission and Distribution Network Long-Term Maintenance

3 Medium Term Maintenance
4 Scheduled Maintenance
5 Nuclear Reloading Pattern Optimization
Finance, Regulations, Politics and Market Design
1 Overview
2 Long Term Electricity Bilateral Contracts
2.1 Modeling and Algorithmic Considerations
3 Multilevel Modeling of Market Design
3.1 Redispatch-Based Electricity Trading
4 Energy Policy Analysis
4.1 Strategic Problems
4.2 Integrated Energy Planning Models
4.3 Regional Energy Planning
4.4 National Energy Planning
5 Demand Response and Price Optimization
6 Pricing Problem

7 Derivative Pricing in Electricity Markets
8 Combined Gas and Power Optimization
9 European Electricity and Day-Ahead Markets
Part II Energy Commodities Systems
Production and Demand Management
1 Optimal Oil Wells Placement
2 Optimization of the Gas-Lift Process
3 Total Gas Recovery Maximization
4 Optimal Scheduling of Energy Hubs and CCHP Systems
5 The Pooling problem
Network and Storage
1 Gas Pipeline Design
2 District Heating Network Design
3 Optimal Design of Energy Hubs and CCHP Systems
4 Operational Network and Storage Management

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