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Chapter 1. Spin chains of Haldane-Shastry type: a bird's eye view.-Chapter 2. Features of discrete integrability
Chapter 3. Darboux-Backlund transformations for Spin-valued linear problems
Chapter 4. Painlev e IV transcendents generated from the complex oscillator
Chapter 5. The Veronese sequence of analytic solutions of the CP2s sigma model equations described via Krawtchouk polynomials
Chapter 6.A novel integrable fourth-order di erence equation admitting three invariants
Chapter 7. Weighted Hurwitz numbers, -functions and matrix integrals
Chapter 8. Constant curvature holomorphic solutions of the Constant curvature holomorphic solutions of the supersymmetric G(2; 4) sigma model
Chapter 9. How to deal with nonlocality and pseudodi erential operators. An example: the Salpeter equation
Chapter 10.A new approach to analysis of 2D higher order quantum superintegrable systems
Chapter 11. Ladder operators and rational extensions
Chapter 12. Tachyons and Representations of Sp(2;R)
Chapter 13.A Confined Quasi-Maximally Superintegrable N-dimensional System, Classical and Quantum, in a Space with Variable Curvature
Chapter 14. Conditional discretization of a generalized reaction-di usion equation
Chapter 15. Discrete Curve Flows in Two-Dimensional Cayley{Klein Geometries
Chapter 16. Zernike system stems from free motion on the 3-sphere
Chapter 17.W-algebras via Lax type operators
Chapter 18. Color Algebraic Extension of Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics
Chapter 19. The Racah algebra and sln
Chapter 20. On Reducible Verma Modules over Jacobi Algebra
Chapter 21. Howe duality and algebras of the Askey{Wilson type: an overview
Chapter 22. Second-order supersymmetric partners of the trigonometric Rosen-Morse potential
Chapter 23.A noncommutative geometric approach to the Batalin-Vilkovisky construction
Chapter 24.A new method for constructing squeezed states for the isotropic 2D harmonic oscillator
Chapter 25. Projective representations of the inhomogeneous symplectic group: Quantum symmetry origins of the Heisenberg commutation relations
Chapter 26. Electron in bilayer graphene with magnetic elds associated to solvable potentials
Chapter 27. Twist Knot Invariants and Volume Conjecture
Chapter 28. Demazure Formulas for Weight Polytopes
Chapter 29. Point transformations: exact solutions of the quantum timedependent mass nonstationary oscillator
Chapter 30. Influence of the Electron-Phonon Interaction on the Topological Phase Transition in BiTeI
Chapter 31. Nonlinear coherent states for anisotropic 2D Dirac materials
Chapter 32. Monopole operators and their symmetries in QED3-Gross-Neveu models
Chapter 33. Critical exponents for the valence-bond-solid transition in lattice quantum electrodynamics
Chapter 34. Emergent geometry from entanglement structure
Chapter 35. Interplay of Coulomb repulsion and spin-orbit coupling in superconducting 3D quadratic band touching Luttinger semimetals
Chapter 36. Soft degrees of freedom, Gibbons-Hawking contribution and entropy from Casimir effect
Chapter 37. Probes in AdS3 Quantum Gravity
Chapter 38. Fundamental Physics, the Swampland of E ective Field Theory and Early Universe Cosmology
Chapter 39. Scale-invariant scalar eld dark matter through the Higgs portal
Chapter 40. The moduli portal to dark matter particles
Chapter 41. Unified Superfluid Dark Sector
Chapter Sitter Vacua in the String landscape: La Petite Version
Chapter 43. Intensity mapping: a new window into the cosmos
Chapter 44. Aberration in Gravito-Electromagnetism
Chapter 45. Stable, thin wall, negative mass bubbles in de Sitter space-time
Chapter 46. Ferromagnetic instability in PAAI in the sky
Chapter 47. Three partial di erential equations in curved space and their respective solutions
Chapter 48. What does the Central Limit Theorem have to say about General Relativity?
Chapter 49. Dressing for a vector modi ed KdV hierarchy
Chapter 50. Time evolution in quantum systems and stochastics
Chapter 51. Solvable Models of Magnetic Skyrmions
Chapter 52. Applications of Symmetry to the Large Scale Structure of the Universe (scale invariance) the to the hadronic spectrum
Chapter 53. Leptophobic Z0 in supersymmetry and where to find them
Chapter 54. Axion-like Particles, Magnetars, and X-ray Astronomy
Chapter 55. Anomalies in B Decays: A Sign of New Physics?
Chapter 56. Loopholes in WR searches at the LHC
Chapter 57.t-t-h, top & bottom partners, and the Brane-Higgs limit
Chapter 58. Mirror Dirac leptogenesis
Chapter 59. Fast tests for probing the causal structure of quantum processes
Chapter 60. Qubits as edge state detectors: illustration using the SSH model
Chapter 61. RepLAB: a computational/numerical approach to representation theory.

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